Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

On The River

Having your right foot in a cast is truly a pain in the a**. I’m not sure what is most annoying about it all, but not being able to drive is a big one. It’s tough being stuck in house and dependent on family and friends for supplies, etc…

I also sorely miss my hiking at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Maudsley State Park and along Point Shore in Amesbury. Before I started hiking a few weeks ago, a good drive along the river to Plum Island always served to clear my head.

Thankfully, my hiking partner came by to rescue me on Monday and we took a wonderful drive along the Merrimack River, from Amesbury, through Merrimack and Rock’s Village and then over the Rock’s Village Bridge and back along River Road in West Newbury (my early childhood stomping grounds).

We were looking for Bald Eagles which have been here in smaller numbers this season. The Bald Eagle proved to be elusive on Monday, but we treated to a sighting of 4 – 6 Eastern Bluebirds… Yes, that’s right, the Blue Bird Of Happiness.

Sadly, the afternoon light was not in my favor as I tried to take some photos of these delightful creatures of the Great Mother Goddess, as the photo above attests.

As we headed back to Newburyport along Rte 113, we decided to veer off and take a drive by the Upper Artichoke River Reservoir before heading home. As we drove along the reservoir we spotted a few Mute Swans gliding along the reservoir with their wings up.

What a glorious sight. I’ve had a great deal of contact with the Mute Swans in recent weeks while on my hikes on the Parker River Path.  Their grace and beauty are simply astounding and watching them fills my soul with a powerful awe.

The nearly two decades that I lived in the Los Angeles area I longed to be closer to nature. Aspects of my life have opened up and changed to provide me the time, at least for now, to enjoy this place, this glorious span of nature’s bounty, that I call home, here on the river.

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