Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Day: January 22, 2015

Daily Affirmations: Positive Thinking

I put a lot of stock into the power of positive thinking. It is a mainstay for me, as I make my way through my life each day. I’ve had my share of ups and downs, good times and bad times, and often it seems the struggles out weigh the easier aspects of life. I am perhaps my own worst critic, as most of us are. I am far less self-assured than friends and acquaintances think I am.

In fact, I have to re-mind myself throughout each day, that I have the strength and courage to do anything in this world that I set my mind to. I can be that first flower in Spring, blossoming in the sun.

Namaste… Pamela

white-yellow crocus(Photo: First Crocus of Spring 2012)

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