Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Boats

Quote of the Day: Compassion and Tolerance

dalai lama-compassion and tolerance quote“Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.” – The Dalai Lama

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Daily Affirmations: The Power of Positivity

Today, I re-mind myself that I hold within myself the power of positivity. I am fully capable of making the choice to lead a positive thinking, happiness choosing, totally awesome life, in which I am gifted daily with blessings, great and small. I know that my happiness is my choice. I know that the power of intent sets my course. I choose to believe that my life is awesome. And so it is…. Intent makes manifest.

Mouth of the Parker River

Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: The Golden Hour

From my nature writing journal, Fall 2015

I was sitting on the front porch reading and watching the half dozen crows that were making a raucous in the trees across the road. The crows cawed loudly. The squirrels scurried about. A blue jay screeched its name, “Jay, Jay,” in the distance. Fall was quietly descending a little every day. I could see a tinge of golden brown in the grasses on the other shore across the river. Gazing with a squint to better my focus my eyes, I realized there was a great blue heron slowly moving in the river grass along the shore, looking for its evening meal.

All of a sudden there was a riotous and rowdy clambering in the trees coming from the crows and then a crash followed by a great fluttering of black wings. It was late afternoon. “Surely, those crows were up to no good,” I thought to myself. (more…)

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Quote of Day: If The Sun Isn’t Shining


“If the sun isn’t shining in your ‘hood today, make certain it is shining in your heart!” – Pamela Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: My Life Is Rich

Today, I re-mind myself that I am thankful for all of the love, the joy and the abundance in my life. Indeed, my life is rich with so many different aspects of abundance and I am filled with gratitude that bubbles forth from the well-spring of my heart. Today, I strive to spend each moment of this glorious day in the now, for it is in the now that I am gifted with moments of clarity that fill my soul with gratitude for all that I have in my life. And so it is…

golden hour on the Merrimack river c. Pamela J. Leavey

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Our Greatest Teachers

Today, I am re-minded that our greatest teachers in life are often those with whom we have the most problems. I recognize this day that there is so much I can learn from relationships that are troublesome and I affirm my willingness to learn. I seek today and every day to focus on the positive forces I may gain from even the most difficult situations. In this I create a loving space for learning through in difficult relationships through acceptance, tolerance and love.

sunset on the river

Namaste… Pamela

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