Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Food For Thought

Food For Thought: Moments Like These

Never get so caught up in the noise around you, that you might forget that there are also moments like these when in the still you see the reflection of light and color and you are lifted up, if only for a moment, to the glory and the grace of beauty in its purest form.

Sunset on the Merrimack River

Even when things appear to be dark, there is still light behind that darkness. Let that light in. Seek that light. Let the very thought of it envelope you and protect your psyche, now and always.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Sunset on the Merrimack River in Amesbury, Massachusetts at Lowell’s Boat Shop.

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Food For Thought: Light and Darkness

Sunset on the Merrimack River in Amesbury, MA

Sometimes we see things so clearly and other times they are obscured in the darkness. At work in our lives there are are always forces, seen and unseen, some are in the light and some are clouded by darkness. There are shadows at play. There is light dancing delicately upon our view asking us to join it at play.  (more…)

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Food for Thought: Walk On

No matter how difficult life gets, walk on…

Chickadee walking on a stick

We’re here to learn the many lessons of life and to do so we must follow our path no matter how much of an uphill battle it seems to be some times.

Birds tend to be very tenacious creatures. The spend a lot of busy time finding materials to build their nests, shaping and fashioning there nests, and foraging for food. Then when they have found their food they begin their journey back to the nest to feed their little ones.

We humans, do of course follow many of the same patterns in life, on a larger scale.  But sometimes we human tend to get caught up in our woes and then self pity and we shut down rather than walking on despite the obstacles in our path.

In those times when we feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of troubles weighting us down, remember the little chickadee, forging ahead, seed in its beak, heading for its nest. It never stops and thinks I can not do this. It walks… or flies on. Be that tenacious bird on a branch.

Photo: Chickadee on a Branch: Walk On

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Musings: Seeking the Primal Escape from Technology

Deer Grazing Under the Apple Trees
A deer grazing under apple trees in Eastport, Maine

Nature is the most primal escape from technology that we can seek out to realign ourselves with our very humanity. While nature has long been considered the great escape, the need to escape into nature is more pressing than ever as we are literally consumed by technology itself.

There are devices all around us. Those devices suck us in. They trap us, spellbound. Waiting. Patiently. For the Text, the PM, the Tweet, the News Feed update.

Those devices alert us to pay attention to them, now, not later; not unlike the Myna birds in Aldous Huxley’s Island, parroting “Here and Now Boys, Here and Now,” reminding every one to be in the moment. Being in the moment is a wonderful thing.

However, if being in the moment means we are constantly connected to digital communication via IPhones, Droids, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops, and every other Smart technology device that invades our lives unless we turn them on “mute,” then we have a problem. We are swiftly becoming a Universe of Devices. We’ve forgotten how to disconnect. (more…)

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Food for Thought: Open the Door

You need to open the door to see what is inside…

Lift Latch

That is all part of going with the flow. Life happens. Be open. Be in the moment.

You have the power to manifest what you desire in life. Intent makes manifest.

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Food For Thought: The Road of Life

hitting the road

I often muse on the road or path that our lives follow for the road and the path such perfect metaphors for the trajectory of our life. Where we go in our life, what we do, the detours we take, these are all aspects of traveling through our lives to get somewhere, or to just be, to just be in the moment and savor the journey.

Today, I remind myself that as I travel the road of life, I am grateful for the varied terrain, the gentle slopes, the tough hills, the steep canyons, the winding roads and the clear path ahead that have all been a part of my life. The journey was never meant to be easy. (more…)

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