Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: J. Krishnamurti

Quote of the Day: J. Krishnamurti

river krishnamurti

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Quote of the Day


Quote from: The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti.

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Food For Thought: Solitary


The solitary swan is alone, but “Aloneness is Not Loneliness”:

“Aloneness is obviously not isolation, and it is not uniqueness. To be unique is merely to be exceptional in some way, whereas tp be completely alone demands extraordinary sensitivity, intelligence, understanding. To be completely alone implies that the mind is free of every kind of influence and is therefore uncontaminated by society; and it must be alone to understand what is religion–which is to find out for oneself whether there is something immortal, beyond time.” – J Krishnamurti ~ The Book of Life

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Food For Thought: In The Moment

Food for thought… It is all about being in the moment because everything changes like the tides…

“The fundamental understanding of oneself does not come through knowledge or through the accumulation of experiences, which is merely the cultivation of memory. The understanding of oneself is from moment to moment; if we merely accumulate knowledge of the self, that very knowledge prevents further understanding, because accumulated knowledge and experience become the center through which thought focuses and has its being.” J Krishnamurti ~ The Book of Life

Sandy Point ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Sandy Point ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014


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Food For Thought: Understanding Suffering

J. Krishnamurti on suffering and happiness…

The Truth of what is happiness will come if I know how to listen. I must know how to listen to suffering; if I can listen to suffering I can listen to happiness, because that is what I am. ~ The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti


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Reflections on Happiness


I am studying Existential Philosophy during Summer semester at UMass Amherst’s UWW. Suffice to say that studying existential philosophy can cause the self to reflect on the themes of the study in a very personal way.

I have struggled throughout my life, yet I still try always to maintain a sense of happiness regardless of my struggles because the very weight of one’s struggling can pull you down into darkness and depression. It is not always easy to maintain a sense of happiness because that weight can be so oppressive that sometimes it takes great deal of strength to throw it off and live life authentically with joy.

J. Krishnamurti says in The Book of Life, “To find the true meaning of happiness, we must explore the river of self-knowledge,” yet he continues, “Self-knowledge is not an end in itself.” There is more than that needed to find true happiness, Krishnamurti contends,  happiness is found where you are now, in this moment of time he explains: (more…)

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