Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Daily Affirmations: Opportunities

I have been going through a lot of changes in my life over the past couple of years, and now I find myself often questioning who I am. As the old me falls away and I am evolving, yet again, I am looking at my past for clues. I’ve missed some opportunities in my life, that I sometimes regret… Haven’t we all?

sunsetontheriver8-2_4Today I re-mind myself that everything has a time in our lives, and a missed opportunity will often rise again in another form. Life is what we make of it, each and every day. I am here to make this day matter. I am here today to grasp the opportunities that come my way and make the most of them. I am the person who can change my life.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Sunset on the River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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