Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Quotes

Quote of the Day: Aldous Huxley

Peace, love, joy – these, according to St. Paul, are the three fruits of the spirit. They correspond very closely to the three essential attributes of God, as summarized in the Indian formula, sat, chit, ananda – being, knowledge, bliss. Peace is the manifestation of unified being. Love is the mode of divine knowledge. And bliss, the concomitant of perfection, is the same as joy. ~ Aldous Huxley: Huxley and God

orange poppy
Orange Poppy

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Reflections: Switching Things Up

I’ve been working this week on switching things up a little. Change is always good, I believe. It gives us a chance to get rid of things that no longer work for us and start something new. Or it gets us back into an old habit that we dropped and needed to put back in our lives. Or maybe we start a new relationship or find a new job. Whatever the change is, when you set your mind to switching things up, stuff happens, because intent works. Coincidences happen for a reason. All that stuff, that reminds us that the Universe is working in our favor. Oh, that the Universe always worked in our favor. Wouldn’t that be grand. We should all be so lucky, but life and the Universe don’t work that way. So when it does, remember to be grateful for the changes that happen for the better. I like to think that when things go wrong, something better will come along. It usually works out that way, think about that a little…

There’s an old French Proverb, “Gratitude is the heart’s memory.” How beautifully true that sentiment is, for when we ware grateful, our heart soars. When we switch things up a little, our mind is soaring to new heights, heading in new directions. It is freeing. It is liberating. As we lift off from the ground on our new adventure, we feel the air around us changing. Our hearts are beating like the beating of wings, repetitively and reverberant. We fly on, grateful…

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Quote of the Day: Alice Walker

No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.

– Alice Walker

Friends should lift us up when we are down, support our dreams and goals no matter where we are at in our lives, and they should always listen. Listening is key to any relationship. No one should ever feel that their voice is being silenced by someone else. Be the friend who shows up, listens and supports your friend’s dreams.

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Quote of the Day: Perseverance

“Perseverance is a great element of success. If you knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.

– Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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What We Are All Experiencing Right Now

Good Morning Everyone…

I grew quiet yesterday feeling the weight of the past year. Some times you just need to draw back and be in that space, the space of quiet, the space of contemplation, and then the space of acceptance. We can’t change the circumstances of the pandemic we are all in. We can only find ways to get through it, and with inner work, grow stronger from the experience. I’ve been through a lot of hard times, loss and grief in my life, These things have made me a stronger, better person. What we are all experiencing right now is part of the collective path that we are all in, in own way, in our our own places and spaces.

Hellcat Swamp

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Quote of the Day: Perseverance

“Even the woodpecker owes his success to the fact that he uses his head and keeps pecking away until he finishes the job he starts.” – Coleman Cox

Downy Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker

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