Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Day: August 28, 2015

Food For Thought: The Battles are the Lessons

Sometimes we hold our hearts behind a shield of our own making. For some of us have been through many battles. The battles are the lessons that are oft hard won, and sometimes lost. Yet, we rise with tenacity of a seasoned warrior, for we know there are miracles waiting for us in the smallest of coincidences.

Life wears us down sometimes and we become weary from the battles. The older we get, sometimes the harder it seems to be to bounce back and come out fighting again…

Sometimes we hold our hearts behind a shield of our own making. For some of us have been through many battles. The battles are the lessons that are oft hard won, and sometimes lost. Yet, we rise with tenacity of a seasoned warrior, for we know there are miracles waiting for us in the smallest of coincidences.

Don’t let your shield thwart your own happiness.

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Daily Affirmations: Troubled Times

In troubled times, when questions over power reason, I re-mind myself that I must strengthen my resolve and give myself to faith. For I know and understand, that faith and love together create miracles. Today, I take the time to be gentle with myself and allow myself the time to grow my strength and my resolve with patience and compassion. I honor all that has been lost and I open space for all that will be gained in its place. For life is cyclical and I know that I can only rest in troubled times for a short time before I must take action and move forward. ~ Namaste… Pamela

salt pannes

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