Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Musings: The Path Less Traveled

hellcat dikeThe dike trail at Hellcat Swamp in the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge was opened for a week not long ago. As I walked the trail on the outer western edge of the Refuge, along the banks of the Plum Island River, I could feel the sun so warm and comforting on my back.

There was a special sense of peace felt there walking in this space that see when ever I make a trip to the Refuge.. I asked so often as I stop at Northpool Overlook, “what is out there?”

There were low growing wild lavender aster along the sides of the trail, the marsh grass rustled softly in the fall breeze.

hellcat dike

In those moments when all I could hear was the sounds of nature, I marveled in the gift of access to this typically closed off area on the Refuge, the dike at Hellcat Swamp.

backendhellcat3Here, in this sacred space, I felt the strong arms of nature wrapping me up and delivering me into my own power once again.

The Refuge has long been place for me to find solace and peace when I feel lost and overpowered by worldly troubles. It is to the Refuge I go when I am lost.

And surely, in the arms of the mother, Nature, I am found over and over again.

* Musings: The Path Less Traveled is from my Nature Writing Journal which is used to record inspiration and observations for a memoir/nature project that I am working on.

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