Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Day: February 23, 2016

Daily Affirmations: Remain Open

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where things or people are closed off to us. The response to that should never be a like reaction, to close ourselves off as well. A closed heart and a closed mind serve no one. Today, I re-mind myself that I can keep an open mind and an open heart, despite the actions of others. My mission is to accept and embrace people and things for who and what they are. I cannot change something or someone else. Sometimes I can lead things in a different or better direction, but change comes from within. Today, I make certain that I have no barriers, no “keep out” signs clouding my heart and mind. And so it is. Intent makes manifest.

Merrimack River Amesbury, MA Photo: Pamela Leavey

Namaste… Pamela

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