Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Day: February 26, 2016

Daily Affirmations: I Am Awesome

Today, I will practice the “I Am Awesome” principle. Each time I am asked how I am, I will reply, “I Am Awesome!” With each reply, I will feel the contagion of being Awesome grow with in my heart and mind for intent makes manifest. With each opportunity I have to respond to the question, “How are you,” I have the opportunity to share the “I Am Awesome” principle, so that others may feel the contagion as well. Awesome is a state of mind, it is a choice, like happiness.

When I choose to be Awesome, I choose to be more than happy, I choose to be empowered by my own will. When I choose to be awesome, I choose to see things through wonder, amazement and I choose to make self-confidence a guiding essence of my life, because I understand the power of intent. The question begs the answer, “Why would I choose to be anything less than Awesome, each and every day?” That I choose to be Awesome, makes it so. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

egret posing

Namaste… Pamela

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