Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Amesbury

Artist Chooses Clean Design for Website

I recently completed a website for Amesbury artist Luke Lepore:

Luke Lepore
Luke Lepore

Luke was looking for a clean, simple design for his website. He wanted something that would not distract visitors to the website from his paintings. In the world of digital communication, images speak as loudly as words. Luke’s fabulous art work speaks for itself.

I setup Luke’s website with WordPress and I used the WordPress template Gridsby to create the layout. Gridsby is a great theme that is very flexible, highly responsive and has many built-in options for fonts and colors.

It was a pleasure working with Luke on his website. Contact me here about creating you new website!

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Daily Affirmations: My Life Flows Like the River

There are times in our lives when we just know things will turn out the way we planned, and there are other times when we are not so certain about things or ourselves. Self-doubt is this niggling, nagging line of thinking that tugs at us like a fish on a line, struggling to get free from the hook. But self-doubt is ego driven and it is the hook that keeps us from moving forward at times when we need to release our self-doubt and flourish in the opportunities present in our lives.

sunset at point shore

Today, I remind myself that I am stronger than my self-doubt. I take a deep breath, I close my eyes and visualize my strength as a powerful river flowing from one source to another. I acknowledge that I have within all the strength I need to succeed. I affirm that I can free myself from the hook of my ego and let go of the negative self-doubt that holds me captive, like a fish on a line. I am stronger than the hook. My life flows like the river.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Sunset on the Merrimack River at Point Shore, Amesbury, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Life is a River

Life is a river which flows through me, washes me clean of judgment, cleansing me with the waters of compassion.” The metaphor of life being a river that flows through me has always been a metaphor that I can identify with. I grew up on the Merrimack River in Massachusetts, and despite living nearly 20 years in Los Angeles, there has always been a river flowing near to where I have lived. A river is a powerful force in my heart and mind. Especially a river close to the shore, as the Merrimack River is, here where I live in coastal Massachusetts. Not only is there a natural downstream current here, but there is also a daily tidal flow, in which the river flows upstream as the tide comes in twice daily.
merrimack river sunset at point shore
I have often had the opportunity to live the by the grace of the river’s flow, experiencing the renewal of the seasons and the release of judgement with the tides. In a moment, when we least expect it, we sometimes find that the river leads that which is precious back to us, as in the course of human foibles life continues to flow as does the river.

“I honor my own integrity and the integrity of others. I am guided by love. I allow myself to feel the love that is guiding others. Like the earth, I enjoy seasons of renewal. I forgive shortcomings and failures, arrogance and shortsightedness. I allow such human foibles to be dissolved in the graceful flow of life ongoing. Life is a river which flows through me, washes me clean of judgment, cleansing me with the waters of compassion. I allow life to be both tender and clear. I choose the longer view of wisdom over the more short-lived satisfaction of being “right”.” – Julia Cameron: Heart Steps

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Sunset on the Merrimack River at Point Shore in Amesbury, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: We Are All Connected

3 dories
Today, I re-mind myself that we are all connected. That connection may be strong or tenuous at best, but the connection exists. How we relate to others, how we utilize our connection to each other, is our choice. However, when we choose to connect, to share experience and circumstance, to help each other within our connections, we make our live and the life of others betters. In this we increase our abundance and the abundance of others.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Dories at Lowell’s Boat Shop in Amesbury, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Time For Myself

Sunset on the River
Sunset on the River

Today, I re-mind myself of the importance of taking time for myself, especially in the midst of change and upheaval in my life. I affirm to myself that I am renewed and revived by the quiet moments I find in the midst of my day. I stop, if only for a moment, take a deep breath, close my eyes, envision a beautiful place, I exhale, open my eyes, and feel gratitude for the moment. For in that moment I am renewed. I affirm today and everyday that I will take time for myself, even if it is the briefest moment.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

To Be Empowered – I accept the rhythm and flow of my life each day. I acknowledge that nothing ever stays the same. I am open to change and remain in the moment.  ~  Pamela J. Leavey

Dory on the Merrimack River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012
Dory on the Merrimack River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012

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