Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Buddhism

Quote Of The Day: Pema Chodron

This is about being compassionate with ourselves…

Precision, gentleness, and the ability to let go … are not something that we have to gain, but something that we could bring out, cultivate, rediscover in ourselves.

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Quote of the Day: Thích Nhất Hạnh

The heart and soul of an empath is easily hurt by the pain of others with whom they feel a connection. This is a valuable reminder from Thích Nhất Hạnh…


The other part of this, in my opinion, is that person who makes you suffer has to be willing to see their “suffering is spilling over” and the fact that they “need help.”

Until the suffering being, who takes out their pain on others, is willing to own their suffering and get help, they will keep hurting people. We are helpless but to offer them prayers and compassion, while we shield our hearts.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Nature Holds So Many Blessings

Eastern Kingbird

Nature holds so many blessings. I re-mind myself this day, that the bird I glanced at sitting in the grasses is a gift that puts me in the moment, interrupting my monkey mind just long enough for an “ah” moment. Moments like these still the mind and make me pause, bringing about contentment and happiness. I vow today and everyday, to take one extra moment when I am graced with such a chanced event, and voice my gratitude.

Nameste… Pamela

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Dalai Lama Shares His Views on Happiness and Compassion in Talk on ‘Beyond Religion’

On Sunday, I drove into Boston to hear His Holiness the Dalai Lama speak on the subject of his latest book, Beyond Religion. A performance by Massachusetts’ own James Taylor national treasure, opened the event. The event was well attended with an estimated sold out crowd of 2500.

With everyone in the ballroom standing, as His Holiness stepped onto the stage, the Dalai Lama took his seat on the stage and signaled to the crowd to sit.

“Very strong light,” he said as he put on his customary visor cap that he wears often when speaking on a well lighted stage. He then walked over to Friar Thomas Keating and Brother David Steindl-Rast, the two Catholic priests also on the discussion panel and pulled their Monks’ hoods up to shield their eyes from the strong light as well. His Holiness is well known for his sense of humor which is often directed towards himself, and one finds him chuckling with glee when he steps into the mode of the holy trickster.

Courtesy of Manohar Srikanth

Expressing his joy in the Catholic Priests joining him for the discussion, the Dalai Lama said, “These days I feel I am quite old, but with them… I am young!” (more…)

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Food For Thought: Like Swans

Those who awaken never rest in one place. Like swans, they rise and leave the lake. On the air they rise and fly an invisible course. Their food is knowledge. They live on emptiness. … They have seen how to break free. Who can follow them? ~Buddha (563 – 483 BC)
(Photo: Three Mute Swans at Joppa Flats in Newburyport, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Food For Thought: Compassion and Emptiness

I ran across this quote the other day and found there was so much to ponder…

Compassion and emptiness are two sides of the same coin.  Don’t relax your grip on compassion, and don’t let emptiness become nihilistic nothingness.  To cultivate these two in union is very important. — Rinchen Tashi of Gyalzang

Life is always such a balancing act.

(Photo: Hybrid Day Lily ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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