Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Great Mother Goddess

Daily Affirmations

Today I reflect on the wonders of nature and I thank the Great Mother Goddess for the life force of all creatures great and small. I revel in every moment I spend in communion with nature. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

Mallard Ducks at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Photo: Mallard Ducks at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Spring

As I watch this Spring explode with fresh life, from new leaves on the trees and flowers, to baby bunnies and wrens, I am grateful for all the gifts of Mother Nature. Today, I thank the Great Mother Goddess for all her blessings and abundance… ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Baby Bunny in the Garden On The River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Reflections: Progress

After 11 weeks in some sort of a cast on my right foot, I am finally free. Free!

What a relief… But now the work begins. I got the okay to not sue my air cast any longer on Monday and yesterday I jumped right into PT. I’m done with laying and sitting around and ready to be outdoors walking and enjoying Mother Nature.

Right before I fell, I had been walking 3 – 4 days a week, mostly on the trails at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, and I am itching to get back on those trails.

Years ago I walked 4 – 5 days week, when my daughter was young and it was so healing for me: body, mind and soul. I was just starting to feel the endorphins kick in after about 3 – 4 weeks of walking when I fell.

My physical therapist asked what my goals were yesterday and I told her walking. As we talked more, I explained to her that I have a dream in the back of my mind that I would like to see come to fruition in the next couple of years and that is to walk The Camino.

I explained that I had recently watched The Way, and it renewed my desire to make the trek:

One day at a time for now… slowly, steadily building up strength, flexibility, balance and agility. Walking The Camino is no walk in the park, it is in fact a pilgrimage or spiritual adventure, depending on your religious views or lack there of.

I can honestly say now that I am starting to build up my strength again, the past 11 weeks were truly a very difficult time in my life. I am grateful to have had a really good orthopedic doctor who immediately recognized my injury as a Lisfranc sprain. it’s a complicated injury, that will takes weeks of PT to finish my recovery.

And then… Well, there’s trails at Parker River, Maudslay and elsewhere where I can make a type of daily pilgrimage to feed my body, mind and soul with the healing, loving nature of the Mother.

And so… the Mid-Life Crisis Adventure continues…

(Photo: Hellcat Swamp Trail ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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International Women’s Day 2012: Watch Us Stand Strong

Today is International Women’s Day:

I wrote Watch Us Stand Strong in 1994. I’ve shared it here before but felt today was a good day to share it again:

Watch Us Stand Strong

Long have we walked
Through the valley of our sadness,
Searching for a way
To end all the madness.
Long have we toiled,
Silent and unnoticed,
Suppressing our knowledge
And our gift to heal the world.
We are large by number,
We are small through the ages,
There are few that have spoken,
Few that dare to read
Our pages.
We are mothers,
We are daughters,
We are sisters,
We are friends;
We contain the lifeblood,
And the passion
Of all the universe
In our souls.
We are women,
Full of knowledge,
And beauty;
The Queens of our planet.
We are home now,
Watch us stand strong,
It is time to heal
Our world.

Check here for 10 Ways to Celebrate International Women’s Day. I spent a good part of International Women’s Day outside in my yard enjoying to 70 degree day here on the river. A little time communing with the Great Mother Goddess is always balm to the soul.

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Daily Affirmations: Found In Nature

“Today, I seek to recognize every blessing that comes my way, from the Morning Dove who’s song wakes me, to the gentle breeze that blows through my open window. I thank the Great Mother Goddess today, for these and all blessings found in nature, that pass my way.” – Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Geese Bathing ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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The Dark Nights Of The Soul

I have alluded here from time to time that I have been on a path filled with struggles in recent weeks. It has been a time that many would call, the dark nights of the soul, referring to a time in one’s life when spiritual practice and discipline suddenly loses all it’s experiential value.

This particular journey through the dark nights of the soul started for me when I had what then seemed like a minor fall in my driveway, on the last full moon, January 8 ~ the Wolf Moon.

That fall however, coupled with other concurring trials and tribulations, has managed to turn my world upside down and leave my soul weary and wondering. (more…)

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