Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Opinion

Daily Affirmations: Opportunities

I have been going through a lot of changes in my life over the past couple of years, and now I find myself often questioning who I am. As the old me falls away and I am evolving, yet again, I am looking at my past for clues. I’ve missed some opportunities in my life, that I sometimes regret… Haven’t we all?

sunsetontheriver8-2_4Today I re-mind myself that everything has a time in our lives, and a missed opportunity will often rise again in another form. Life is what we make of it, each and every day. I am here to make this day matter. I am here today to grasp the opportunities that come my way and make the most of them. I am the person who can change my life.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Sunset on the River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Disconnect to Reconnect

caressing the light

It is not uncommon to let our busy lives get in the way of our relationships. Today, I re-mind myself that it is a choice I can make, to be present in the lives of my loved ones. This means not just showing up, but also to be fully there, unattached to outside influences, engaging in conversation, and even quite moments.

Technology has changed the way we communicate. At the very core of relationships, it is the one on one communication, the touch, the hug, the eye contact, that each of us crave and need in our lives. Sometimes we all need to step back and disengage from technology so we can truly feel and relate to others. Today I affirm that when I am with my loved ones I will disconnect so that I may reconnect.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Branches Caressing the Light ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Food For Thought: Communication

“Communication can heal.”

Henry James Borys-The Sacred FireThink about that… While we’re all so busy online communicating on social media websites, we forget, perhaps the value and the sheer wonder of sitting with a friend, talking, communicating, sharing joy and sorrow in the same physical space, together. I too am guilty of this… (more…)

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Food For Thought: Patience

Patience has never been one of my virtues…

grapevineatmaudslayHowever, the older I get the better I am at mastering the fine art of patience. When you “do something else in the meantime,” you invariably fill your time with something else that takes your mind off of whatever you are waiting for. And sometimes, you just need to, “Get out there and make it happen.”

Idle waiting can become a playground for impatience and anxiety. Take a walk, turn on some music, do something meaningful… Soon you’ll find you have mastered patience.


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Food For Thought: I Am Abundant

Rhododendrons at Maudslay State Park ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Rhododendrons at Maudslay State Park ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

When the flower are in bloom we see it as abundance, for it is rich and full of life. Our own abundance blossoms, blooms and wanes like a flower, for that is the cycle of life playing out continually as we walk our path.

In those times when the flowers have gone dormant, and abundance seems a distant memory, I summon my gratitude for all that I do have and I re-mind myself, “I am abundant, I have love… I am abundant, I have money.” Gratitude is the food for thought that gives substance and sustenance to our abundance. To recognize that and give thanks for all that we have, is a powerful statement of acceptance that opens the door to the blessings of the Universe for the creation of all that we need.

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Food For Thought: I Am Abundant

Sometimes it feels as though there is never enough money to get by on. That is a common concern for so many in the past 5-6 years (or more), myself included. Living within the means of the austerity plan can be quite tricky and downright depressing if you let it get to you and find yourself wallowing in worry and self-pity. When I find myself dipping into the well of worry over money, I know that I must re-mind myself that “I am abundant.”

Years ago I learned a simple mantra that has proven itself to be invaluable in the past couple of decades as I have struggled with entrepreneurship and single parenting. Everyone can use some re-minding from time to time. Affirmations work to re-mind us when we repeat them to ourselves over and over again. If you’re worried about financial concerns (or love), try this affirmation for a few days and see if things shift for you:

I am abundant ~ I have love…

I am abundant ~ I have money…


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