Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Relationships

Daily Affirmations: Practicing Humility

In the day to day interactions we have with other people, it is so important to remain humble. Today, I remind myself that humility does not mean I think of myself as a lesser person, it means I think I am no better than anyone else. In practicing humility, I find myself open to a greater capacity for acceptance and compassion for others. This in turn opens my heart and mind to a more loving state in which I am better able to understands the needs of my loved ones. And so it is that today I remind myself that to go forth with a humble frame of mind is to be open to see others as equal. Intent makes manifest.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Love

It is a hard to be single sometimes in a world filled with couples. One finds themselves as odd man or woman out, in my case, at a party where everyone is married. But it is okay to be single. In fact, I have found that to lack a partner in life, is not to lack love. Indeed, I am blessed with the knowledge each day, that my life is filled with love, for love takes many forms and comes from many different sources for many different reasons. Yes, I have great love in my life. And so it is that today and everyday, I bless the love and the loved ones in my life. Love is always blossoming around me…

peony buds

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Forgiveness

Today, I seek to make forgiveness part of the path I walk this day. For I acknowledge that the place in me that holds on to grievances, only holds me down. In order to live my life fully, I must let go of all perceptions of wrongs, done to me by others, or by me to myself or others. As I forgive others, I recognize that I also forgive myself. I also acknowledge that the past does not exist, there is only now, this moment in which I am living. I cannot hold on to past grievances, I must release them to the winds. Today, I seek to make forgiveness part of the path I walk this day. And so it is… – Pamela J. Leavey


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Acceptance, Tolerance and Understanding

Today, I am reminded that acceptance, tolerance and understanding are pivotal to any and all relationships. Today, I will practice these three attributes towards everyone whom I meet and come in contact with. Today, I will acknowledge that it is not my job to fix or change anyone, it is simply my mission today and everyday, to accept them and love them the way they are.

We all have issues, no one is perfect. Acceptance does not mean we must blindly like everything about someone, it means that we simply accept them. This is a deep practice that takes time and work. Each time we are confronted with the need to practice these skills we go a little deeper into the realm of tolerance and understanding. Today, I acknowledge that everyone is perfect, just the way they are. And so it is… – Pamela J. Leavey

snowy egret-ruffled


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Daily Affirmations: I Am Abundant

Rufous-sided Towhee

“I am abundant, I have a rich and bountiful life filled with much love. I am blessed with the knowledge that my life is filled with friends and family who love me and whom I love in return. I thank the Spirit that has led each and every one of you to me, and me to you. My life is rich… I am abundant, I have a rich and bountiful life filled with much love.”

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Rufous-sided Towhee

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Daily Affirmations: Relationships are Assignments

Today, I remind myself that all relationships are assignments. Whether I learn the hardest lesson on this day, or I am gifted with a lesson that brings me joy; today, I thank the Creator for allowing me to participate in this learning experience. Every relationship is an opportunity to learn and grow. Every relationship bears the gift of communion and communication with others. Every relationship presents me with the opportunity to proactively practice acceptance, compassion and understanding. I am grateful for the learning that each relationship, no matter how brief or how long, brings to my life. And so it is…


Namaste… Pamela

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