Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Declarations

Daily Affirmations: Love

Years ago, when I first started writing Affirmations, I had been inspired by author Julia Cameron’s three books of Affirmations that she had published. Today’s Affirmation comes from her book, Blessings, Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life:

“My heart is a chalice for love. I am well loved. I open my  heart to feel that I am loved. I allow myself to be saturated by love. I soften my heart and gently ask it to receive the love I encounter. I do not need to earn love. I do not need to work at love. I need only to allow myself to feel the love extended toward me. I need only to accept love to know that I am lovable. I choose to remember – and cherish – the ways in which I am loved. ” – Julia Cameron – Blessings, Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life

(Photo: Red Tulip ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2011)

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Daily Affirmation: I Am Alert

“Money is a means to an end. It is a servant and not a master. When I ask for money, I am asking for supply. It may come to me as money, but it also may come to me in other forms. I am alert to the many forms my supply may take. While I welcome and receive money as one form, I also welcome and receive supply in all forms it appears.” – Julia Cameron, Heart Steps – Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life

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Daily Affirmation: I Relinquish

“I relinquish all agendas and timelines originating in my fears. I relinquish all rationalizations and defenses grounded in my fears. I open my heart instead to the healing perspective of compassionate patience for others and myself. I allow myself the luxury of time, the dignity of right action and right timing.” – Julia Cameron, Heart Steps – Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life.

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Daily Affirmation: Life Requires Courage

“Life requires courage. All courage that I need is given me by Life itself. I am guided and supported in every step. I need only open myself to receiving support and guidance.
I honor my humility in admitting my need for help. I welcome the dignity of being a fellow among fellows. I honor myself for my courage in following my guidance.” – Julia Cameron, Heart Steps – Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life.

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Daily Affirmation: Desire Is A Compass

“Desire is a compass for our lives’ directions. As we become clear in what we want, as we allow ourselves to yearn, we become conduits for the Universe to act upon us and through us. My desire is a prayer impressed on the heart of God. My openness is the willingness to receive. My courage is the faith to act on what I receive, allowing blessings to flow to me from many sources.”

“Today, I admit my desires. I accept the path they suggest to me. If only one step at a time, I move in the direction of my dreams. I am alert, too, to my dreams moving toward me. I accept the forward motion of my heart’s desire. I allow the Universe to answer my prayers and I am grateful for the support and abundance which I receive.” – Julia Cameron, Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life.

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Daily Affirmation: Today, I Turn My Attention

“The world is peopled by travelers each with a journey. As we make our way through our own obstacles, we are often oblivious to those who travel by our side. And yet when we open our hearts to the adventures and adversities of others, our own journey is illumined. Those who travel beside me are my teachers and those I teach in turn.”

“Today, I turn my attention to the lives of others. I open to the interactive dance of our intersecting lives. Alert and attentive, I learn form those around me. Empathetic and involved, I teach what I have learned. Ours is a journey of shared hearts. I lift the lantern of camaraderie.” – Julia Cameron, Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life.

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