Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Manifestation

Food For Thought: Peace, Love, Joy

Food For Thought…

“Peace, love, joy – these, according to St. Paul, are the three fruits of the spirit. They correspond very closely to the three essential attributes of God, as summarized in the Indian formula, sat, chit, ananda – being, knowledge, bliss. Peace is the manifestation of unified being. Love is the mode of divine knowledge. And bliss, the concomitant of perfection, is the same as joy.”  – Aldous Huxley: Huxley and God: Essays on Religious Experience

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Daily Inspirations

Via Marianne Williamson on Facebook:

‎”Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.”(ACIM) This isn’t theory; it’s an unalterable fact, a law of the universe. So don’t worry if you can’t see the result of your forgiveness just yet; know that any mental breakthrough from fear to love generates a cosmic engine of miraculous breakthrough as sure as the sun’s rising or setting. That faith on your part — your knowledge of spiritual law — will be a force magnifier that brings the miracle into manifestation more powerfully & quickly.

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Food For Thought

I read Huxley and God quite a few years ago and have a copy in my library. Aldous Huxley has always been one of my favorite authors. Huxley and God, remains one of the most profound books I have ever read…

Peace, love, joy – these, according to St. Paul, are the three fruits of the spirit. They correspond very closely to the three essential attributes of God, as summarized in the Indian formula, sat, chit, ananda – being, knowledge, bliss. Peace is the manifestation of unified being. Love is the mode of divine knowledge. And bliss, the concomitant of perfection, is the same as joy. ~~ Aldous Huxley: Huxley and God: Essays

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