Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Tag: Poem

Poem: Low Tide

I wanted to acknowledge Earth Day 2021 with a piece of poetry, written about my beloved Merrimack River. I am a child of the river. She runs in me…

Low tide—
river’s edge.
Still waters. 
A lone duck, draws
a line 
across the reflection. 

The water—
like glass ripples.
Beyond, spring bustles.
Some days
it even hustles
always calling for introspection

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Food For Thought: Beauty Beyond Feeling

J. Krishnamurti

Without passion how can there be beauty? I do not mean the beauty of pictures, buildings, painted women, and all the rest of it. They have their own forms of beauty. A thing put together by man, like a cathedral, a temple, a picture, a poem, or a statue may or may not be beautiful. But there is a beauty which is beyond feeling and thought and which cannot be realized, understood, or known if there is not passion. So do not misunderstand the word passion. It is not an ugly word; it is not a thing you can buy in the market or talk about romantically. It has nothing whatever to do with emotion, feeling. It is not a respectable thing; it is a flame that destroys anything that is false. And we are always so afraid to allow that flame to devour the things that we hold dear, the things that we call important.  ~~ The Book of Life

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International Women’s Day: Watch Us Stand Strong

Today is International Women’s Day. Given that, I wanted to share a poem I wrote in 1994:

Watch Us Stand Strong
Long have we walked 
Through the valley of our sadness, 
Searching for a way 
To end all the madness. 
Long have we toiled, 
Silent and unnoticed, 
Suppressing our knowledge 
And our gift to heal the world. 
We are large by number, 
We are small through the ages, 
There are few that have spoken, 
Few that dare to read 
Our pages. 
We are mothers, 
We are daughters, 
We are sisters, 
We are friends; 
We contain the lifeblood, 
And the passion 
Of all the universe 
In our souls. 
We are women, 
Full of knowledge, 
And beauty; 
The Queens of our planet. 
We are home now, 
Watch us stand strong, 
It is time to heal 
Our world.

c. Pamela J. Leavey 1994

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