Daily Affirmations: My Sense of History
November 3, 2014

Sometimes we overlook the things we have done in our lives as we wish we could do more things, or go somewhere we like to travel to, or have opportunities others have. In these moments we can re-mind ourselves of this:
“I value my sense of history. I am alert to the many colorful and enjoyable episodes in my own life’s unfolding. Rather than bemoan a lack of color or adventure in my life, I consciously choose to notice and appreciate the many small adventures and victories which each of my days entertains. I focus on the precise and measurable evidence of the good that comes to me as I am alert to life’s many blessings. I notice, remark, and remember the kind word, the well-told joke, the flashing beauty of a small finch lighting on a roadside shrub. Alert to the beauty and detail around me, I revel ever more fully in the many graces life has to offer me.” – Julia Cameron: Blessings: Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life
Namaste… Pamela