Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Month: September 2015

Food For Thought: Apathy

I have had apathy on my mind since last night when I ran into a friend whose life has been a landslide of troubles for a few years now. Each time he tries to get his footing, another rock tumbles in his path. I understand that pattern of life very well, for I have suffered from the effects of more than a couple of landslides in my life. What always saved me was my ability to pull myself up and out of the mire of rocks and stones and refuse to feel apathetic about my life and others around me.


Apathy is a cruel emotion that masks itself in the guise of “I don’t feel sorry for myself, I don’t give a shit about anything.” But, therein is the truth, because when you “don’t give a shit,” you are indeed feeling sorry for yourself and not caring about anything is your protective guard wall that you wrap around yourself instead of a pair of loving arms. It is the apathetic person that needs friends, and keeps themselves closed off from relationships. It is the apathetic person who is welled up with grief and knows not how to express it. And thus, happiness and joy escape the apathetic person. Sometimes there is no talking to the apathetic person, they don’t want to hear about the things they can do to “fix” their lives. Staying stuck in the mire is sadly where they may want to be, though deep down inside there is often a hidden desire to be loved, for is that not what we all long for?

Namaste… Pamela


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Food For Thought: Moment to Moment

I like to think that life is a grand adventure, for we have opportunities all the time, to make the ordinary moments in our lives extraordinary. Much of what occurs in our lives and how we react to it is based on our finite view of each moment in the now as it occurs.

light on the river

This is not to say there are times when we cannot take ourselves out of tough circumstances, this is to say, we can put more reverence into the ordinary moments and find the grace of adventure in a simple trip to the grocery store. (more…)

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Quote of the Day: Follow Your Own Path

Be bold, Take a chance... Follow you own path!

Be bold,
Take a chance…
Follow you own path!

© Pamela Leavey

As a creative soul, my spirit has always dictated that I follow my own path. Sometimes I may stumble, but I know when I step out boldly and take a chance, I am giving myself the power to discover more about myself and life. ~ Namaste… Pamela


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Like A Piece Of Discarded Trash

When our hearts have been broken, we feel so alone, like the solitary swan pictured below, or worse, like a piece of discarded trash, left by the wayside. It takes time for a broken heart to heal and we each find our through the pain in our own time and space. Grief is a powerful emotion and lost love is a grievous affair.

Like A Piece Of Discarded Trashsoloswan

When does a heart cease
To be broken,
When does a vow cease
To be significant.
When can you walk away
And, leave the pain behind
Like a piece of discarded trash.
There comes a point,
When enough
Is enough.
It’s time to move on;
But, you feel
You are cheated,
Of the love
You thought that was shared.
And, the emptiness hangs on,
Like a piece of gum,
Stuck upon the bottom of your shoe.
Time often becomes,
And, you wish that
It would refrain.
And, so you cling
To what was once
When does a heart cease
To be broken,
When does a vow cease
To be significant.
When can you walk away,
And, leave the pain behind,
Like a piece,
Of discarded trash.

© Pamela Leavey

If your heart is broken, have faith… In time you will find the strength to love again.

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Daily Affirmations: Move Forward with Purpose

How easy it is sometimes to let the littlest thing get in the way of our joy, let alone the things we need to accomplish each day. When worries take over in our heads we become slave to those worrisome thoughts and all else becomes clouded with the skies of a brewing storm.

storm sandy point

Today, I re-mind myself to release my worries like rain falling on the earth, and accept that I am sometimes powerless in the things I cannot fix. Rather than allow worry to cloud my day, I will take a deep breath and release my worries. I will be in the moment and move forward with the purpose of the day’s tasks. Intent makes manifest… What needs to get done, will.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: I’ve Got This

Today, as I see the mess of things to get done pile up, I step back and put each task into perspective so that I can get the tasks done one by one. Sometimes there is so much to do that it seems overwhelming, like a swarming flock of birds circling about, and it is easy to get pulled down by worry over the sheer volume of things to do. I start this day with a deep breath and the intent to move forward through my tasks with ease instead of stress. Intent makes manifest. I’ve got this…

swarming swallows

Namaste… Pamela

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