Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Month: January 2016

Daily Affirmations: Life’s Path is Always Changing

Today, I re-mind myself that life’s path is always changing and new opportunities constantly appear on the horizon. hellcat swamp trail
While choosing the path of least resistance might seem to be the best way to go, it certainly does not bring challenges with it, in most cases, and so there is less opportunity to learn and grow. One of the greatest aspects of life is the constant opportunities that come our way teaching us to see things in a new light and appreciate things from a different perspective. I am grateful for the new paths that appear on my life’s journey. I welcome the opportunity to learn, today and everyday. I start this day with gratitude for all there is and set my intent on embracing change. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: All Is As It Should Be

Today, I re-mind myself that all is as it should be. That is not to say that change may be necessary in my life, or that there is no room for improvement in certain areas or aspects of life, that is simply to say, in this moment, all is as it should be. Life is fluid, always changing like the water that flows in a river or stream, it constantly in motion, even when we are at rest. And, as I am the star of my own life, I am confident that the forces of the Universe are working constantly on my behalf to direct my path in life, as I endeavor to accept that all is as it should be and go with the flow. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Productivity and Prosperity

Today, I re-mind myself that I am capable of getting through the day in the most productive way. The long list of the things I have to accomplish today and each day this week, will all get completed in a timely fashion. I understand that procrastination does not serve me or my mission. I acknowledge that I feel good about myself when I am productive and I know that productivity leads to prosperity. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.


Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: Dusk Sky and Geese

From my Nature Writing Journal…

sunset on the river

As I gazed out from my desk at the vista before me, I could see that just across the road to the waters of Merrimack river where I live. The sky was striped with soft pink and slate blue stripes. A flock of Canada Geese was flying just above the tree line. They were heading west with the sun announcing their presence with their loud call that sounded somewhat like an old car horn… “honk, honk, honk.”

Even as the sun was setting and geese were flying overhead, their call trumpeted through the still. Soon it would be dusk. The colors of the sky transmuted to darker hues that transfixed me. I sat on my porch bench and watched the sky dark until the blue hour had settled in. Another flock of geese could be heard off in the distance, or perhaps it was the same flock, flying back my way.

What message were they conveying to each other, I wondered. What message were they conveying to me? Stop, sit, and listen. Be in the still. Soak in the moments when there is nothing but sheer silence surrounding your presence. In that silence is where you find the answers to your deepest questions. In that silence is where you find peace. In that silence, is where inspiration soars like the geese winding their way along the river.

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Daily Affirmations: I Choose to be Happy

Today, I re-mind myself that I am the true source of my happiness. I choose to be happy and make joy my way of life. I wake each day with the promise of a sunshine even if the skies are gray. I have the power to make myself see beauty in the differences in the world and let those differences fill me with joy. I understand that I have the power of intent working for me this day and each day forward. I am the true source of my happiness. Intent makes manifest. And so it is…

snow goose

Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: Lapis

From my Nature Writing journal…

The lapis blue water of the Merrimack River flowed towards the ocean in gentle ripples. I could hear the soft lapping sound of the water on the river’s beach. The tide was still heading out towards the mouth of the river, but the current had slowed to a gentle tug. The sun reflected golden ridges on the ripples of the lapis water.

Was the water ever still, I wondered to myself? I knew the answer… Never. Even when it looks to be not moving, simply static and still, there is an undercurrent flowing with the tides. By nature water moves, always.

Lapis Water - Merrimack River


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