Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Food For Thought: Anger

Life is short and life is precious. I will never, ever understand why some people choose to live a life filled with anger and hatred.

We’ve all known these people, the ones who go to great lengths to foist their anger and hatred on others, while claiming when you might call them on it, that you are the angry person. Anger breeds anger, by its very energy emitted by others; it is a contagious, toxic thought form that permeates people and relationships, replacing loving thought with angry thought, filling up light filled spaces with darkness.

My experience with angry people is that that they carry baggage from the past that they can’t seem to let go of, even when they claim they have.

Forgiveness is the antidote to anger. Love is the antidote to fear. Be kind to one another… It is the root of compassion and the foundation of love for all beings.

Namaste… Pamela

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