Daily Affirmations: Today, I Affirm That I Will Find My Way
February 10, 2020
Sometimes the path seems so obscured. We’ve lost track of where we’re going and how to get there. It’s only natural that in life we have times that cause us to lose focus, retreat into the dilemmas and circumstances of our lives that bring us down. Sometimes we drift so low that we feel trapped in a abyss of darkness, barely able to see the light. Everything that we’ve learned becomes a distant memory, as we sort through the mire that brought us to our knees.

Even when we start to feel our strength return, and our minds clear from the fog of sadness and sometimes depression, we still struggle to get back on track. This is where we learn to walk again. This is where we learn that we can’t rush back into action. We can and must move slowly to regain our footing and find our way once again.
Today, I re-mind myself that though the path may seem obscured, and though I have been to the abyss, I am slowly moving forward into the light once more.
Today, I affirm that I will find my way. Each day as I grow stronger, the veil of mist that obscures the path, lifts a little higher, as do I. And so it is, in my trust that all things do pass, I affirm the path I am looking for will be revealed.