Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Daily Affirmations: I Open the Channels to Greater Creativity and Productivity

Sometimes we find ourselves struggling to be creative and productive. It’s only normal, we all have times when our creativity wanes and our productivity winds down to a slow crawl. In those times, I find myself these days, stepping back and honoring the message that I need to take it slow. And perhaps I need to simply sit and ponder…

Eastern Blue Bird

We all need to clear our minds and open the channels to creative energy on occasion. A break from our daily routines can provide us with a refreshed attitude, a more open mind and heart, and the impetus to be creative and productive once again.

Today, I affirm that taking the time to renew and reboot is a vital part of life and the process of creativity. I re-mind myself that there should be no guilt, no remorse in stepping back to clear my heart and mind. And so it is, when I take time for myself, I open the channels to greater creativity and productivity. In that, intent makes manifest.

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