Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Daily Affirmations: Making a Difference in the World

We’re all here on this planet to make a difference in the world. We may not feel as though we are, but truly it is the little things that make a difference. Being kind to someone. Giving someone a hug. Letting people know that you love them and you are there for them. It is all these things and more that start us on the path to making a difference in the world. I’ve found in my own life when I reach out to help others, I benefit as well, for it truly is a gift to ourselves to be kind to someone or help someone in need.

Today, I affirm that I am here on this planet to make a difference in the world. I will reach out to my loved ones. I will strike up a conversation with a stranger and tell them to have an awesome day. I will help someone in need. And so it is that in work this and every day to make the world a better place, that intent makes manifest.

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