Daily Affirmations: In This Moment
February 24, 2020
I love the feeling of floating in life. You know that feeling, when everything in life is working the way you want it to and you are floating along, flowing on course. In truth, we’re always floating in life, we’re a stick floating downstream on the river of life. Whether life is good or life is not good, we’re still floating. But it’s our mindset that is different. Sometimes we can change that mindset but other times it is best to work through whatever it is that is weighing us down. Maybe we are not a buoyant as we’d like to because we’re going through a lot of heavy stuff in our lives – loss, pain, trauma, grief, financial struggle, drama with others – you name it, these are the things we need to work through as we float downriver.

The lesson here is to allow yourself to simply be in the moment be it filled with joy or be it filled with pain. Today, I re-mind myself that it is okay to just be where I am now, here in this moment. I am safely floating downstream on the river of life. I set my intent today to be, here, now, in the moment. Not to think of the past, not to project into the future. Just to be. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.