Daily Affirmations: Blossom and Shine
February 25, 2020
I’ve been on a trajectory for a few weeks now to be more productive and get back on track, after a long period of introspection. Life knocked me off course. I lost my way and settled in to just be, as I worked through the things in life that knocked me off course. It’s been really good to be productive again. Good for my heart and soul, but some days I still struggle with keeping on track. I think we all feel that some days, no matter what is going on in our lives.

Today, I re-mind myself that it’s okay to not be productive if that is what I feel in the moment. But, I also re-mind myself that if I push through the desire to not be productive and find that space where I can be productive, I will blossom and shine a little more today and every day. And so it is, I set my intent to blossom and shine. Intent makes manifest. Namaste…