Daily Affirmations: Releasing the Past
February 27, 2020
I am reminded today how we all hold onto past circumstances and grievances, and can easily slip back into mulling on those issues when something triggers our memory. The trick is to not allow yourself to slide down the slippery slope, but to let the memories go, release them to wash out to sea. Yes, I know, it is easier said than done sometimes, but the more we do it, the better we get at it. Releasing is a practice, it’s something we have to be willing to do, and something we must work at. And to be honest, no matter how hard we work at it, we might find that years later something surfaces that triggers a memory we thought we had long ago released. It’s back for a reason. To teach us something and to give us the space to find grace and release it yet again.

Today, I re-mind myself that releasing past grievances and pain. I recognize that holding on to these issues serve no purpose in my life. In fact, holding on holds me back. I affirm today to let go of the past. Release the sadness, release the trauma, release the negative issues that revolve around whatever past issues I am holding on to, or have resurfaced in my life. I set my intent to let go, to release these issues into the sea and watch them wash away. And so it is… Intent makes Manifest. Namaste…