Food For Thought: Sitting in Fear and Anger is Not Healthy For Anyone
March 18, 2020
We’re in the midst of some unprecedented times in the world. With Coronavirus spreading to every country and many countries scrambling to shut down businesses and keep people at home to stop the spread of the virus and flatten the curve, we’re all in a state of suspension that is nothing we could ever imagine happening prior to this.
I’ve been through a range of emotions in the last week or so, as I am sure many have. I’ve been sad, I found myself easily driven to tears, I’ve been angry and I’ve been afraid. I have no doubt I may cycle through these emotions again as we continue to hunker down around the United States and the world, waiting to for this all to pass and hoping, praying that we and our loved ones are not stricken with Coronavirus.

Last night while sitting in contemplation, I decided that in order stay strong through this all, I needed to not rise to the fear and anger, because sitting in fear and anger is not healthy for anyone ever. I know this isn’t easy to release our fear and anger, it is something we must work at, but the more we can let it go, the clearer our hearts and minds will be and the healthier we will be.
Life is always a series of tests. Life is always in flux. Life is always in motion, even when it feels like the world is standing still, which in so many regards it is. So today, I’m practicing the being in the moment as much as I can. It is my hope as I write this, and subsequently share it, that others will choose to not sit in fear and anger as well.
Be kind to one another and spread compassion and empathy to all. Namaste…