Wicked Winds
March 2, 2021
Greetings of the Day to All… Here in coastal Massachusetts the winds have been wicked all day.
I’ve been trying to keep busy around the house today, rather than sit long at my west facing desk, where the wind feels like there’s little wall between us.
I fear if I sit too long my back and hip won’t approve. I sit a bit and I’m up again, pacing about in my little apartment. If it were bigger, I might get more steps in on my Fitbit everyday! I’ve been thinking a lot about Spring of late… Who hasn’t been? I’m looking forward to a little warmer temperatures and sunny days so that I can get out and walk again. And then it will be time to garden.
I hope this day has been good for everyone. It’s been a long haul, this pandemic. That’s been on my mind a lot of late, as it’s been close a year now for us all. I am reminded today of these lines from Samuel Beckett: “Where I am, I don’t know, I’ll never know, in the silence you don’t know, you must go on, I can’t go on, I’ll go on.”
Blessings of the day to all…