March 18, 2020
Like everyone, it has taken me a few days to really wrap my head around the global Coronavirus pandemic we are in the midst of. The bottomline is we are in this together. As we each strive to keep ourselves safe and healthy, it is tantamount that we all stay focused and centered, and we each remember to be kind to one another. Kindness comes in many forms. If we’re shut in alone or with others, it means reaching out to our friends and family to see how they are holding up.

Today, I re-mind myself that even in the midst of a pandemic, I can make a difference in the lives of others. I affirm my own well-being and I vow to check on my friends and family and let them know they are loved. I set my intent to make a difference in the lives of others today, and every day. Intent makes manifest. And so it is… Namaste.