Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Beautiful Gardens

One of the things I love about the Newburyport/Amesbury area is the beautiful gardens. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to take any photos attesting to this claim, but hopefully I will get some uploaded here soon.

Driving around, reacquainting myself with the area after being gone for so long, I have notices that there’s white Wisteria trees blooming everywhere along the roadside. The rhodedendrons are spectacular and in recent days the Peonies have been bursting with color.

Yesterday, I saw a garden in Newburyport that was bursting with Bearded Iris in a wide range of colors including Black.

My mother had beautiful flower gardens when I was growing up. I love to garden and it’s been years since I have lived any where that I could. We have a nice little year that gets some decent sun and a lot of shade. We’re trying out a few veggies and flowers with hope we’ll get enough sun to enjoy both.

It’s been fairly dry the past week or so, and of course the garden won’t grow with out water. Rather than using the hose and wasting water, we’re using a watering can. Bob Villa has some tips on other ways to save water when gardening.

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Quote of the Day

“Without the sun the sunbeam would be gone; the ripple without the ocean is inconceivable.” — A Course In Miracles

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Home is Massachusetts… It always has been, even during the almost 19 years that I lived in Los Angeles, and the 7 lovely months I just spent in Maine, home is and always has been… Massachusetts. And… It’s good to be home.

Home is a drive along Main Street in Amesbury, looking across the Merrimack River to Newburyport… A walk along the waterfront park in downtown Newburyport, admiring all the beautiful boats in the river.

Home is a short drive to Plum Island…


There really is no place like home.

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Dear Readers

Dear Readers, I just posted the following on my political blog, The Democratic Daily, it explains why it has been so quite around my 3 blogs:

As readers have no doubt noticed it has been pretty quite around here in the past couple of weeks. I have a very full plate since my recent move back home to Massachusetts and I am juggling way too much.

When I first started The Dem Daily nearly 4 years ago, my business was far more stable and I had much more free time on my hands, as I actually could afford part time help to fill orders. The recession has taken a huge toll on my business, as it has on many small businesses. After moving to Maine from Los Angeles 7 months ago in attempt to save some money on living expenses, I found that in order to stay afloat I needed to find a job and run my business on the side.

So, here I am in Massachusetts, where I grew up, with a full time job, a business suffering from the recession and not 1, but 3 blogs (5, if you count my business blogs). Sadly, somethings need to go on the back burner, and that means the blogs get less of my time until the economy picks back up.

All that said, once I more acclimated to my new schedule, I hope to be back here posting more frequently again. And in the meantime, I hope some of the other writers that have posted here in the past will be able to jump in occassionally and keep readers up to date.

Stay tuned…

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Quote of the Day: A Blade of Grass

“Most of us are so unconcerned with this extraordinary universe about us; we never even see the waving of the leaf in the wind; we never watch a blade of grass, touch it with our hand and know the quality of its being.” – J. Krishnamurti

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An Interview With the Dalai Lama

A few weeks ago I attended an event at MIT with The Dalai Lama. The NY Times has a video interview with His Holiness The Dalai Lama that is well worth watching: An Interview With the Dalai Lama.

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