Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Quote of Day: The Dalai Lama

I recently had my trust and warm-heartedness taken advantage of by an old friend who did not understand these concepts… This speaks to me. Despite what I went through my warm-heartedness has not faltered…

We live in a materialistic world that pays insufficient attention to human values. We seek satisfaction in material things instead of warm-heartedness. But human beings are social animals. We need friendship and that depends on trust. Building trust requires concern for others and defending their rights, not doing them harm. Friendship is directly linked to warm-heartedness, which is also good for our physical health. ~ His Holiness The Dalai Lama



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Quote of the Day: Joan Didion

Writing has always been a part of me. Thoughts I could not express in verbally came easier to the page. Yet I still struggled to understand that writing was part of the integral path in my life that cried out for me to follow. I follow that path now, struggling sometimes to force the words to the page, and hoping that those words resonate with others. Sometimes it feels like I looking for something hidden deep within a haystack. I persevere. I draw inspiration from memoirist’s like Joan Didion as I work on my own memoir.

I knew that I was no legitimate resident in any world of ideas. I knew I couldn’t think. All I knew then was what I couldn’t do. All I knew was what I wasn’t, and it took me some years to discover what I was. Which was a writer.  ~ Joan Didion


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Quote of the Day: Dalai Lama

Just as heat dispels cold, loving-kindness counters anger. We need to learn how to counter our various emotions. Distraction is just a temporary measure. The longer lasting remedy is to be able to see positive qualities in something or someone you otherwise see as negative. Since there is rarely any justification for destructive emotions, we need to become aware of what gives rise to them and what the antidotes are. – Dalai Lama


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Daily Affirmations: Make a Difference

Today, I re-mind myself that we all can make a difference in the world if we try. And so it is that I ask this day and each day forward that I may be a conduit for good and change in the world. I set my intent to make a difference, first on the smaller scale of those in my life, and then reaching out to the wider platform of the Universe, that I might inspire and enthuse others to be of like mind. This is my mission today and every day, to make a difference. May I light up someone’s life with joy and happiness. May I bring someone peace and solace. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Peony Black & White

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: My Happiness is Not Dependent on Anyone But Myself

Today, I re-mind myself that my happiness is not contingent nor dependent on anyone but myself. I am comfortable in my being, at home with my self, at peace in the world around me, and I am blessed with a keen understanding of what works for me, in my life. As I go about this day and each day forward, I set my intent to the deepening of my own self-reliance. In this, I ensure that I alone am responsible for my inner peace and happiness. In this, I seek to find the strength in each moment, the joy in the most fleeting of gifts, the peace in my own heart and mind. These are blessings of independence that empower me. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

one mute swan at joppa flats

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Gratitude is the Antidote for Attitude

Today, I remind myself to take in the view around me and find gratitude where I can. There is always something in view no matter where I am that can lift me up and give me pause to be grateful. Gratitude is the antidote for attitude. I set my intent today and every day on relishing the moments that fulfill my soul and enrich my life. Each day I affirm that gratitude matters. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Curzon Mill on the Merrimack River

Namaste… Pamela

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