March 27, 2016
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp–or what’s heaven for?” – Robert Browning
words and pictures....
March 27, 2016
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp–or what’s heaven for?” – Robert Browning
March 26, 2016
“Only the wondering eye sees the sacred horizon enfolded within the petals of a blue flower.”
– Sam Keen – Hymns To An Unknown God
March 24, 2016
I made my first quiche the other day. I don’t cook as often as I used to and I for some reason have never made a quiche. But I had an urge for a Asparagus, Ham and Cheese Quiche, so I decided to give it a try. Luckily the market had some lovely slender young asparagus to choose from and I decided to go with feta cheese rather than a cheddar, which is always a favorite. I had some left over baked ham in my freezer that I knew would be perfect with the feta cheese and asparagus.
When I do cook, I enjoy coming up with my own recipes or tweaking recipes I find online or in cookbooks to my own creative bent. I have to say I was pleased with the results for my first try at a quiche:
Everyday little miracles occur in our lives that sometimes go unnoticed. Today, I re-mind myself to savor the moment, and be aware of the things happening around me so that I may see those little miracles for what they are and express my gratitude as they happen.
I stay receptive and open to see the miracle in the smallest symbols of joy to lift my spirits, or hear the words of support when times of tough. These are each little miracles in their own way. I understand that to be miracle minded is to allow myself to be in the moment and widen my perspective to see miracles for what they are.
I know that the Universe is always working on my behalf, answering my prayers, hearing my call. I am open to receive and grateful for all of the good that comes my way. I set my intent today, and every day, to be open and willing to receive and also to be gracious and willing to give. In this I use my intent to work for the higher good in my own life and the lives of others. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.
Namaste… Pamela
March 23, 2016
An essay in today’s Washington Post about depression and suicide, details one young woman’s quest to be honest about her sister’s suicide, with the hope that she might help others think twice about suicide and get help:
I had to be honest. I had to tell the truth.
By the time I sat down to write my sister’s obituary I knew that the opening line could only be one thing: Aletha Meyer Pinnow, 31, of Duluth (formerly of Oswego and Chicago, IL) died from depression and suicide on February 20, 2016.
Eleni Pinnow said in her essay on her sister’s suicide:
The lies of depression can exist only in isolation. Brought out into the open, lies are revealed for what they are.
Here is the truth: You have value. You have worth. You are loved. Trust the voices of those who love you. Trust the enormous chorus of voices that say only one thing: You matter. Depression lies. We must tell the truth.
Depression is so common and yet we still have such a huge stigma about talking about it.
So many like this young woman in the story, Aletha Meyer Pinnow, who committed suicide at 31 years old, would rather keep their depression a secret than discuss it openly.
Here’s a few reason why that is wrong: (more…)
March 22, 2016
In my most secret spirit, In my most secret spirit, grew a whirling and a wandering fire. ~ W.B.Yeats