Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Daily Affirmations: Always Changing

Today, I re-mind myself that I am an ever-growing, always changing being, with a deep desire to learn new things and evolve. I affirm that I keep my heart and my mind open to change and new opportunities that come my way. I recognize that my life is rich with simple pleasures that can not be bought, but only appreciated in the fleeting moments that they appear in my life. Nothing stays the same… And so it is…

azalea and dogwood path

Namaste… Pamela

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Food for Thought: A Ray of Sun

ray of sun


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Reflections: The Bailout Plan

A few weeks ago, I posted a short essay on My Grand Mid-life Crisis Adventure, which ultimately brought me and my daughter, home to live in Massachusetts, although the destination at the time, seven years ago, had been Eastport, Maine. It was the fall of 2008, the economy had tanked and I had been planning our move to Maine weeks before Wall Street had collapsed.

It felt as though there was no choice but to follow through with our move, as my personal economic situation had worsened as did the situation of so many other families living on the edge of poverty.  We took to the road with a sense of humor and deep-down inside a sense of great trepidation. This was our bailout plan, to embark on a cross-country journey and move, that would forever be affectionately known as My Grand Mid-life Crisis Adventure.

The story continues…

The Bailout Plan

There were stacks of packing boxes lined up in a 6’ x 12’ space marked off with red tape in the center of the living floor. I put another heavy 12” cubed box of books on one of the stacks and wondered if I should not try to get rid of more of my books. I swiftly tossed that thought out of the open window of my second floor apartment into the 90-degree heat and mused I would not miss that heat. It was the fall of 2008 and we were preparing for our move from Los Angeles to the Down east area of the northern coast of Maine.

The economy had been slowly sinking for the past few years, and as predicted by many who had seen the economic disaster coming, including myself, the bottom was now falling out. The timing was perfect to move from Los Angeles, where the cost of living was quite high, to coastal Maine where the cost of living was considerably lower. At least that was my frame of thought as I prepared for the 3500-mile trek across country with my 19-year-old daughter, Juliet. (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

To Be Empowered


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Food For Thought: Life is a Series of Roads

Today, I am re-minded that Life is a series of roads. Just when you feel that you have traveled a road far enough, a new and more interesting road appears on the horizon. In this ever changing series of roads that we travel upon in life there are no road maps, it is up to each of us to make choices as to which direction we will head in. The road to least participation takes us no where. If we don’t show up in our own lives living fully and responsibly, we stay stuck destined to take the same road over and over again until we learn it simply is okay to ask for directions when we are unsure of way ahead. The easy way out is far to often the most complicated of all directions in which to head. Pay attention to the signs, and listen to the clues. You know the way is in your heart. To be empowered… Listen.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: New Opportunities

With each day comes new opportunities to stretch and grow, and makes changes in our lives. Today, I re-mind myself that an open mind and an open heart are necessary tools of personal change. As I move through this and everyday, I affirm to myself that I do so with both and open mind and an open heart. I re-mind myself that every person I meet is a teacher from whom I can learn new things. I affirm to myself that I am always willing to learn and I am not afraid to say I was wrong about something. Personal growth requires that  stretch outside of my boundaries and safety zones. And so it is… I am willing to reach a little higher today to meet new opportunities as they are presented in my life.

fall tree tops

Namaste… Pamela

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