Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Daily Affirmations: Patience

Sometimes we are bursting with ideas that we are anxious to bring to fruition and the responsibilities of our lives get in the way of moving full force into our new plans and projects. Today, I affirm to practice patience as I move through my day, for I know that there is time for everything to come to fruition. I recognize that The goals of I set now, the desires I intend to bring to fore, will all come in time. Patience is required to see these things through to completion. And so it is… Intent Makes Manifest. Let the magic do its work.

merrimack river foliage 2015

Namaste… Pamela

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Food For Thought: How to Adapt to Change

How to adapt to change in 4 simple steps:



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Daily Affirmations: Change Starts from Within

Like the leaves on the maple trees change colors in the cooler fall air, change starts from within…
golden maples

Today, I re-mind myself that change starts from within and I am the master of the changes that I wish to make in my life. Today, I affirm that I will examine my goals and focus on the positive changes that I can make moving forward, today and every day hence, in all areas of my life. My happiness and well-being are tantamount and directly connected to the choices I make in my life. I set my intent towards positive action because I recognize that Intent Makes Manifest.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Choices

In life we are always presented with choices. Every decision that we make that impacts our life is based on the choices that we make. Those are the more complicated choices in our lives, the choices that require more critical thinking about the implications of our decisions. Everyday, we have an easier choice to make that effects how we present ourselves throughout the course of our day. That choice, is the choice to be positive minded and embrace the blessings, great and small that come our way each day. Today, I choose to release the negative thoughts of the day and replace them with positive thoughts. I recognize that this daily practice impacts my life as a whole. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

snowy egret

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: I Am Grateful for All Blessings

I look to nature to see the blessings that life has to offer on a daily basis. The sun suddenly appearing from a bank of clouds or shining through a tree. A bird landing on a tree limb and singing its melodious song. A flower blooming long past its season. These are all the blessings of life that we see when we slow our lives enough to just take in the moment. Every moment is Now. Every moment is filled with blessings great and small. When I am in the Now I am able to see those blessings for what they are. For all blessings great and small, I am grateful. These blessings are the abundance in my life. In the moment I re-mind myself, I am Abundant. Gratitude matters.

fall light

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: The Power to Change My Life

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut and we cannot get out of our own way, even when we need to. It might feel as though the weight of the world is on our shoulders or we might just be tired of the struggles. Whatever the cause, in order to empower ourselves, it is so important to re-mind ourselves that we can change our lives:

Today, I affirm… I alone have the power to change my life. I am capable of overcoming all adversities. I am free from all negative thoughts and habits.

salt pannes

Namaste… Pamela

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