Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Daily Affirmations: Gratitude for Life Through the Bounty of Nature

Today, I seek to recognize every blessing that comes my way, from the flock of geese who loudly proclaim their flight overhead, to the the sunshine breaking through the clouds at daybreak. I thank the Great Mother Goddess today, for these and all blessings found in nature. The colors of fall that permeate the scenery around me, the sparrows fluttering from bush to bush, I am grateful for all blessings that pass my way, today and everyday. In affirming my gratitude for life through the bounty of nature, I affirm my gratitude for all things great and small. In this, I proclaim, I am abundant.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Believe In Yourself

Sometimes we all struggle with our self-esteem and self-worth. Today, I affirm that to believe in yourself is the first step to achieving your dreams. I keep this affirmation close in my heart and mind and I affirm this belief everyday.

salt pannes sunset early october

Namaste… Pamela

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Reflections: Maine or Bust… Looking Back on My Grand Mid-life Crisis Adventure


In the fall of 2008, I embarked on a cross-country, life changing move from Los Angeles to Eastport, Maine with my daughter, her cat, and all our belongings jam-packed into a 6′ x 12′ U-Haul Trailer. The journey cross-country was as jam-packed as the trailer, with my friend Mario behind the wheel, we set out to make it cross-country in breakneck speed, traveling from Los Angeles to Rock’s Village, Massachusetts in 4 1/2 days. Mario had volunteered to get us safely from point A to just north of Boston, from there I would be on my own driving to Maine. As luck would have it, once arrived in Massachusetts, another dear friend, who recently passed away, stepped up and attached my U-Haul trailer to his 8-cylinder SUV to haul it up to Eastport for me. A bit of what prompted me to make the move and what happened once we located follows…

In the summer of 2008, I realized that it was time to leave Los Angeles. (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: Happiness

When life is weighty and full of troubles it is so important to remember that happiness is a choice that I can make freely. Choosing happiness does not mean my problems dissolve or magically disappear, it means I am determined to not let my problems get the best of me. I affirm that in order to be happy, I must choose to be happy, today and everyday. Yes, there will always be days when it is easier than others, but I acknowledge that happiness is not a gift, and I must work at achieving my happiness. No one else can make me happy; I alone can make myself happy. Intent makes manifest.

merrimack river at goodwins creek marina

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Pause to Take Stock

I’ve traveled here, there and back again in my lifetime. Today this affirmation from Julia Cameron resonates with me…

“Today, I pause to take stock. I count and appreciate my gains. I rest before going forward. I savor the journey I’ve taken already and the distance I have come.” – Julia Cameron: Transitions… Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life

land of purple sand

Namaste… Pamela

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Quote of the Day: Deepak Chopra

“Ecstasy carries you completely outside your ego boundaries. In ecstasy you know yourself as cosmic ego, unbounded in time and space. The end of love’s journey returns to the source of all awareness, power, and being. Moksha is not an ending but a beginning – we begin to live in fullness only after liberation. A liberated soul is a citizen of the universe.” – Deepak Chopra: The Path To Love

sunset 10-15

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