Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Food For Thought: Moving On

I had had my heart set for a few months now to move to a new apartment. I had two criteria that mattered most, after living in a downtown apartment with no yard or view. I was looking for “a place with a yard’ and “a room with a view.” Quietly, I set my intent out into the Universe and the Universe answered at exactly the right time. I’m moving on… The view and the yard are awesome. It is time for a change and I am so ready for it.

Moving is a wonderful thing because it opens the channels to new energy. The moment I stepped out of my car at my new place I felt like I was home. And I walked across the threshold of the back door, into the old mud room, I knew I was home. And then I say the view from the living room, and walked up the stairs to take in the view from the front bedroom. Ah… There’s no place like home. I had found my new home.  (more…)

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Food For Thought: The Lone Boat


The lone boat floats in the water, it is solitary and complex, yet it appears so simple and serene. The lone boat can only weather so many storms, before it goes adrift. The lone boat may break and be patched up to float again. In time, the lone boat will sink from the weight of what it heaves to shore.

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

got it

To be empowered, I re-mind myself that I am the person responsible for my life and all the extraneous things that happened in my life in the past that caused me pain, are past. I can change the way I look at the past by offering forgiveness to those I perceive have done me wrong. I can ask for healing to change my view of the past. And if, sometimes, as life would happen, things come up in the present to remind me of the past and dredge up my sad and hurtful feelings of the past, I can take some time to examine why these issues still cause me pain and work towards understanding and releasing that pain. In that I will find that “got it” moment when things are clear and I can let go. Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: All That Glitters

coppery dories

Today, I re-mind myself of the old saying “all that glitters is not gold.” Those glittery, shiny objects that people offer often come with strings attached and I must remember that certain people will always attach strings to their offerings because they know not how to relate to others without the offer of money or glittery gifts in the place of real love. I will not be tempted by the bartering of things to replace love and I will step back from the would-be giver and walk away, wishing the giver peace in their heart and love and compassion to replace their fear. ~ Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

on the merrimack river

“To Be Empowered… I accept my responsibility in all situations that arise in my life, good or bad. I am honest and open, and I am not afraid to be so. I make the best I can of all situations, even the difficult. I change what I can change, when and however I can. I accept what I can not change and I accept that it is what it is. To Be Empowered… I look to see things a clearer light, and I seek to understand the how’s and why’s of painful circumstances.” ~ Namaste… Pamela

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Quote Of The Day: Deepak Chopra

“When we say that ecstasy is like the drop melting back into the ocean, it must be made clear that we are the drop and the ocean at the same time, just on different levels.” – Deepak Chopra: Path to Love

at sandy point

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