Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Daily Affirmations: My Life Is Rich


The universe lines up opportunities in our lives and are the vessel that carries them to fruition. I take things as they come, and strive each day to make the best of all things in my life. I practice gratitude daily. I find joy in the simple things. I accept what is, but I keep my dreams and goals alive in my heart and mind. I work towards my success daily, fully cognizant that my success is already apparent, for my life is rich. I affirm these things daily, gratitude, joy, success. I re-mind myself: I am abundant, I have love. I am abundant, I have money.

~ Namaste… Pamela

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Food For Thought: Compassion and Joy

To cultivate compassion, you must respond to the needs of others.

To practice joy, you must contribute to the joy of others.


Walk your talk… You must follow through with your intent.

Namaste ~ Pamela

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Farm Fresh and Local In the Newburyport Area

berries2As a child growing up in the rural area of Massachusetts’ Northshore, my family grew our own vegetables as so many rural families did in the 1950’s and 1960’s. There were also many small farm stands around the area, and by the time I was in high school in the early 1970’s a few of the local farms were starting to go by the wayside.

The farm policy had changed drastically during the Nixon administration thanks to Earl Butz, who was Nixon’s Secretary of the USDA. Many small farmers found it difficult to stay afloat without the subsidies they were accustomed to receiving from the federal government. The documentary King Corn, is a very informative film about how Butz’s policies shaped factory farming and growing corn as a the number one staple in processed food.

Very few working family farms remain in the Newburyport area that were working farms when I was a child. Most of the smaller farms of my childhood days are gone with the land being sold off for housing and commercial development. A few small farms continue to grow their own and sell their produce and meats at their farm-stand businesses. However, two newer, more enterprising larger farms in the area also carry other local and non-local produce and products as well as their own locally grown vegetables and fruits.

On a late spring afternoon in mid-June, I decided to take a drive along the backroads of the Newburyport area to take stock of the local farm stands and what they have to offer. Newburyport also has a vibrant Farmer’s Market on Sunday mornings at the Tannery on Water Street, but locavores in the area also rely on local farm stands for fresh vegetables and fruits in season as well as grass fed meats and free-range poultry. (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: Spread My Wings

immature red-tailed hawk

It is so important to spread my wings, venture out of our safety zone and try new things, go new places. I am grateful for the new experiences in present themselves in my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way each day. Today I re-mind myself to strive to keep an open mind and an open heart for I recognize that when I spread my wings I reap many rewards.

Namaste… Pamela

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Sweet: The Slide Brothers – Motherless Children

I was sitting here listening to the radio, WUMB, and I had one of those moments where in the first few notes I knew the song was Motherless Children. Fully expecting to hear Eric Clapton  playing the chords and singing his classic song, I was pleasantly surprised by this awesome cover version by Robert Randolph and The Slide Brothers:


“Motherless Children” was first recorded by Blind Willie Johnson in 1927. It was later covered by Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, Steve Miller, Dave Van Ronk, and Lucinda Williams. And now we can add The Slide Brothers to that illustrious list.

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Quote Of The Day: Pema Chodron

We see how beautiful and wonderful and amazing things are, and we see how caught up we are. It isn’t that one is the bad part and one is the good part, but that it’s a kind of interesting, smelly, rich, fertile mess of stuff. When it’s all mixed up together, it’s us: humanness. – Pema Chodron


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