Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Reflections: I Am Green

I am green in my understanding of life. I am always open to learning new things.

Forest Fern
Forest Fern

I am delicate like the fern, but hearty as the pine that stands tall and reaches for the sun. I have weathered many storms, but I still unfurl every spring laying out my delicate soul upon the forest floor, reaching high into the sky to soar with eagles. I am nature. Nature is me. I am green and I will grow until my day comes to wither and return to the earth.

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Food For Thought: A Flower Bud

Peony Buds
Peony Buds

Treat this day as though it is a flower bud, opening and unfurling its petals as the moments of the day pass on. Each moment, each petal unfurling, is an opportunity for growth and change. We can blossom in our lives as flower bud changes from a tight, young bud to wide open flower, rich and heady with pollen to germinate the seeds of life elsewhere.

We are the cycle of life, as is the flower bud. We gain nothing if we remain tight and closed, a bud unwilling to open. We must look towards each day and unfurl our lives with happiness, gratitude and inspiration to be the most glorious flower we can be. That is living in the moment.

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Quote Of The Day: Thoreau

As Henry David Thoreau knew well, a walk in nature always affects the quality of the day…

Get outside and be one with nature, even for just a little while each day!

“To affect the quality of the day,
that is the highest of arts.”

– Henry David Thoreau

Maudslay State Park Trail
Maudslay State Park Trail

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Quote of the Day: Sam Keen

We all have our sacred places… This is one of my most sacred…

Mouth of the Parker River

“A place becomes the sacred ground
of my being only when I have tended
and enjoyed it long enough for each
spot and inhabitant to have a rich
history of associations and stories.”
– Sam Keen: Hymns To An Unknown God

Photo: Sandy Point — A Boat on the Beach at the Mouth of the Parker River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Quote of the Day: Neale Donald Walsch

sunset at point shore

Relationship lessons are often the hardest ones to get. Try as I may, sometimes it is so difficult to not take things personally. But our reaction to someone else’s actions is often what causes us the most pain. Over time I have tried to move past an issue I have with reaching to people I care about who are going through a tough time and having them not respond. What is most difficult to justify in my mind is knowing that it matters to me when loved ones reach out to me when I am going through a tough time. I treat people as I want to be treated. Alas, we are not all the same. So, I try to remember this lesson…

“Look to see what you are being,
doing and having in any given
moment, not what’s going on with
another. It is not in the action
of another, but in your re-action,
that your salvation will be found.”
Neale Donald Walsch

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Quote of the Day: W.B. Yeats

I often imagine there are faeries as I walk through the woods and fields or along the rivers and streams. The fae folk show themselves to those who believe…

“Faeries, come take me out of this dull world,
For I would ride with you upon the wind,
Run on the top of the dishevelled tide,
And dance upon the mountains like a flame.”
― W.B. Yeats, The Land of Heart’s Desire


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