Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Quote of the Day: Pema Chodron


I’ve been rehabbing a bad back, resting my body, mind and soul and looking daily for the answers to a myriad of questions. This morning I read this quote from Pema Chodron, it really resonates for me…

“This is what we are here to see for ourselves. Both the brilliance and the suffering are here all the time; they interpenetrate each other. For a fully enlightened being, the difference between what is neurosis and what is wisdom is very hard to perceive, because somehow the energy underlying both of them is the same. The basic creative energy of life … bubbles up and courses through all of existence. It can be experienced as open, free, unburdened, full of possibility, energizing. Or this very same energy can be experienced as petty, narrow, stuck, caught… The basic point of it all is just to learn to be extremely honest and also wholehearted about what exists in your mind — thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, the whole thing that adds up to what we call “me” or “I.” Nobody else can really begin to sort out for you what to accept and what to reject in terms of what wakes you up and what makes you fall asleep. No one else can really sort out for you what to accept — what opens up your world — and what to reject — what seems to keep you going round and round in some kind of repetitive misery.” – Pema Chodron

Photo: Storm Brewing over Stage Pool ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Food For Thought: The Life We Planned

“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” ~ Joseph Campbell


A long time ago I learned that life never quite goes according to plan. If it did, I know my life would such a different life than it is now. Plans change. Expectations fall to the wayside. The seeds from fallen dreams grow into trees with many branches reaching up to the sun longing to find fruition in leaf.

I planned to be a painter when I was young. I planned to be a dancer too. Those plans turned to fallen seeds that planted my talents in my heart and mind and I created new plans in the spring light.

Life is a long series of plans and dreams. Some bud and leaf, blossom and grow. Some fizzle out in the hot sun for many reasons we cannot control. The greatest lesson I have learned about plans that don’t come to fruition is that greater things oft turn out in their wake.

Photo: The Mother Tree at Maudslay State Park ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Food For Thought: On Life Lessons


Our path is always changing, as is the scenery. One day we find ourselves heading in a completely different direction then we had planned. What happened, we ask ourselves, how did my life change so suddenly without my approval of the plan? Lessons appear in our lives when we least expect them. These life lessons are our opportunities to rise above the adversities in our lives and become more than we were when the lessons presented themselves. How we handle those lessons determines whether we learn from the lessons or stay stuck, wallowing in despair.

Life can be harsh and life can be filled with wonder and joy. It is up to each of us to make the best of what we are presented with each and every day. Each day, I re-mind myself to find even the smallest sliver gratitude, joy and happiness. Even in the midst of the most profound grief and sorrow, we can all find something to be grateful for each day. Gratitude matters. When we strive to live in the moment we begin to transcend the difficulties placed in the midst of our path.

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Quote of the Day: Aldous Huxley

"Mentally and physically, man is the inhabitant, during the greatest part of his life, of a purely human and, so to say, homemade universe, scooped by himself out of the immense,  nonhuman cosmos which surrounds  it, and without which neither  it nor he could exist."   - Huxley and God - By Aldous Huxley

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Quote of the Day: from Thunder in the Sky


“The wise do not have doubts about about events; the perceptive do not have doubts about people.” – Thunder In The Sky, translated by Thomas Cleary

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Quote of the Day: Sam Keen

“Understanding that the ordinary is the miracle changes our fundamental stance and disposition. Life is no longer a problem to be solved but a mystery in which we may participate fully.” – Sam Keen: Hymns to an Unknown God


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