Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Quote of the Day: Pema Chodron

The honesty of precision and the goodheartedness of gentleness are qualities of making friends with yourself… As you work with being really faithful to the technique and being as precise as you can and simultaneously as kind as you can, the ability to let go seems to happen to you. The discovery of your ability to let go spontaneously arises; you don’t force it. You shouldn’t be forcing accuracy or gentleness either, but while you could make a project out of accuracy, you could make a project out of gentleness, it’s hard to make a project out of letting go. – Pema Chodron


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Quote of the Day: Consciousness

artichoke river blue heron

“Your consciousness is your contribution to reality. What you perceive as real becomes real.”

– Deepak Chopra: The Path to Love

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Quote of the Day: ACIM

"I am the light of the world.  That is my only function.  That is why I am here."  - A Course In Miracles

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Daily Affirmations: Accomplishing Goals

More often than not it seems as though I have way too much on my plate. School, work, family, take up a lot of my time and goals I have set for myself often become stressful tasks to work through. In these times I know I need to step back and give myself the time to accomplish my goals and recognize that I can only do so much in a day…

“In seeking to accomplish my goals, I take one goal at a time and one day at a time. In seeking to accomplish my goals, I try not set too many goal in front of myself or strive too far beyond my physical and emotional means. In seeking to accomplish goals, I realize that I am Human and can only do so much each day. I recognize that the key to achieving my goals is to set them in a reality based time frame and give myself time to not only accomplish my goals but also to enjoy my life.” – Pamela J. Leavey

egret reflection with fish

Accomplishing goals are about seizing the opportunity to get things done, rather than procrastinating.

Photo: Egret with a fish at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Acceptance

There are times in life when my level of acceptance is tested. In those times, I need to dig deeply into my heart and mind, and view a situation or relationship by stepping back asking myself some critical questions. Because, in my opinion, my spirituality depends on my ability to ask myself critical questions about the context of an issue, so that I may come to a conclusion that embodies acceptance.

Acceptance is key to living in peace and harmony with all things and all persons. To achieve acceptance is not always easy. However, with practice and patience, I am able to put away my judgments and achieve acceptance. – Pamela J. Leavey


Introspection and reflection fuel my spiritual practice and are necessary facets of finding acceptance in my heart and mind. 

Photo: Reflection at Maudslay ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Quote of the Day: Carlos Castaneda

Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't, it is of no use.  - Carlos Castaneda

It is good to question the path you are on… Sometimes we get led down the wrong path because we don’t ask enough questions.

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