I am a woman with a huge capacity to love, yet I have spent much of my life single. It seems a strange dichotomy at times, especially when the heart has been freshly wounded by a failed attempt at a relationship. What was first joy and happiness borne of finding someone special, turns to pain and grief, when the reality sets in that a relationship is not meant to be.

In these times, when the heart aches for what might have been… I re-mind myself, I am abundant, I have love. I am blessed with the knowledge that my life is filled with wonderful family and friends who love me and I love each of them. I thank the Universe for each wonderful relationship in my life and I acknowledge, I am abundant, I have love.
Namaste… Pamela
Photo: Great White Egret and Snowy Egret at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
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