Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....

Hope Wins

Good Morning Everyone… It’s a blustery day here in coastal Massachusetts. Like elsewhere in the country finding a slot to get vaccinated for COVID is like winning the Lotto. I waiver each day, since I found out that I was eligible, between looking on the Mass.Gov website for an open slot, to resigning myself to not waste my time right now, knowing that there aren’t enough vaccinations available yet here in Massachusetts, much like other states.

I’d rather spend my time looking at annual seeds online, dreaming of all the flowers I wish I had the room to plant. For now, for today, I will think about the grape hyacinth I planted and hope that my bulbs do well in their first year. The pandemic boredom feels heavy of late. I am bored with social media, bored with streaming movies and series, bored with cooking, bored of boredom. What to do? Start a new hobby? No I have too many already. So today, I’ll just think of spring, the gardening to come, the walks on the beach, and in the woods and hope that hope will, because in the end, I believe that it does. Hope wins.

Grape Hyacinth

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Blooming Before Our Eyes

Good Morning Everyone… I was listening earlier this morning to a cardinal singing in the back yard. There is nothing like the sound of bird song in the morning. The cardinals must be grateful for this sunny morning, as I am. They also tell me that spring will come, and as the snow melts, and the days grow warmer, soon we will see buds, then blossoms, blooming before our eyes.

Last fall I dug a new pandemic garden bed, so I could plant tulips, daffodils and crocus outside my kitchen windows. My elbow has not forgiven me yet for all that digging. As we all wait for our second pandemic spring to arrive, I am thinking today of the gentle awakening of spring and the gratitude that encompasses me when it arrives. Today, I am grateful for the sun and bird song.

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Make A Difference

Good Morning Everyone… I am welcoming the blue skies and warmer temperatures this morning. I look forward to the sunny spring days, when I can get out in my yard and start gardening. I know I have friends who are thinking the same thing. It’s been along pandemic winter. I wish you all a blessed day, filled with grace, laughter and love. Be kind to one another. Days are not easy for so many. Do what you can to make a difference… 💚

May be an image of 1 person, bird, flower and nature

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A Favorite View

A favorite view to dream of along the banks of the lower Merrimack River… Peace. 💙

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Waiting Patiently

Good Morning Everyone… The pandemic has truly been an exercise in waiting patiently. Some days the patience is easy than others. If you are like me, you are patiently waiting for warmer weather as well. Waiting for spring to come. Waiting for the first flowers to bloom. Waiting for the rhododendron and the azalea to bloom. Waiting to stand in the sun in short sleeved shirt and feel the freedom of a warm breeze.

I’ve spent a lot of time waiting for spring this winter. Waiting patiently spring to sprout. That waiting gives me hope… May you all have hope this day. 💙

Rhododendrons at Maudslay State Park

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The Drudgery of Our Four Walls

Greetings of the Day, Everyone… Sometimes I long to hop in my car and take a long drive north to coastal Maine. But, not right now, in the snow.

It’s the drudgery of our four walls, as we all shelter in place at home, waiting to vaccinated, waiting to hug our loved ones, waiting to be able to travel again. Days go by slowly right now, and then we realize, it’s been another month, we’re almost at year, we’re tired, but we still have miles to go before we reach that moment in time, when life becomes more normal, but normal will have changed, and so have we.

Take a moment today and focus on a place that makes you happy. Spend a little time there in your mind, breathe deep and let go… May you find grace and joy in your day… 💙

Eastport, Maine

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