Today, I am re-minded that my life is rich and filled with abundance on so many levels. Where I feel it might be lacking, I re-align my thinking from lack to fulfilled and trust the Universe to provide. With the inner peace of knowing that I have all that I need, I open the channels to receive
Gratitude is a daily practice that starts my day and ends my day. Today and every day, I look for the things in my life that I am grateful for and I give thanks. This simple act of giving thanks throughout my day, re-minds me that I am abundant.
In the golden reflection of the sun, we are infused with the light of love and abundance. Today, I re-mind myself that my life is rich and filled with so many blessings. I thank the Universe for those blessings. I give space to gratitude and light in my life.
In these uncertain economic times, so many people, including myself, struggle daily to get by. It is easy to fall into the trap of concern. It can be difficult to pull up out of that trap. When I find myself slipping into worry-mode, feeling alone, like the boat anchored beyond the dock, I take the time to re-align my thinking and recognize the abundance around me.
“Today, I re-mind myself that I have everything that I need. I breathe deep and release all fears of financial concerns, money and prosperity. I acknowledge that I am abundant in all areas of my life.”
Sometimes we take for granted the abundance of love we have in our lives. When we do it is good to re-mind ourselves of this…
Today, I am grateful for all the love that I have in my life: the friends and the family who are all so dear to me. Mine is bountiful life filled with so much joy and pleasure. I am abundant in all things.
When the flower are in bloom we see it as abundance, for it is rich and full of life. Our own abundance blossoms, blooms and wanes like a flower, for that is the cycle of life playing out continually as we walk our path.
In those times when the flowers have gone dormant, and abundance seems a distant memory, I summon my gratitude for all that I do have and I re-mind myself, “I am abundant, I have love… I am abundant, I have money.” Gratitude is the food for thought that gives substance and sustenance to our abundance. To recognize that and give thanks for all that we have, is a powerful statement of acceptance that opens the door to the blessings of the Universe for the creation of all that we need.
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Musing and Rambling
Sometimes I muse and I ramble because I can... I muse about life and things that matter to me...
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