Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Birds

Daily Affirmations: Heed the Calling

Today, I re-mind myself that there is no right time that a certain calling in life will arise. We may feel as though we missed our connection some time ago, that we passed up our chances. However, when something is meant to be, the calling will arise again, and again until we embark on the path. That calling must be answered. Fears must be cast aside. The path must be followed. This is learning, this is growing, this is expanding the possibility of who we are in the world. We must heed the calling. Only then can we fly…

immature red tail treeNamaste… Pamela

Photo: Immature Red Tail Hawk at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: When the Time is Right

egretinreedsSometimes the things we are looking for remain hidden to our view. You can not force the search, unless that what you are seeking is vital in the moment. You must wait out the search and know that all things come in time. Today, I re-mind myself that when the time is right, that which I am seeking will appear.

Namaste… Pamela

*Photo: Egret in the reeds at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.

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Daily Affirmations: My Life Is Rich

My life is rich… I am an ever growing, always changing being, with a deep desire to learn and evolve. My senses are keen, with the ears to listen and the eyes to see… I am open to the possibilities.

Namaste… Pamela

immature red tail hawk

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Daily Affirmations: Make A Difference

immature red tailThe question for me daily, is how can I make a difference in the world? With keen eyes and a listening ear, as I strive to understand the problems of world, I affirm each day, that every voice for social justice matters. Every heart filled with compassion matters. Every soul exuding empathy matters. I can not solve the problems of the world, but I know that in my own way, I contribute each day to making a difference.

Namaste… Pamela

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Snowy Owls Are Back At the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

snowy owl on a haystackSnowy Owls are back for the winter at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island in the coastal Newburyport, Massachusetts area. I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing my first Snowy Owl the year yet this season, but starting next week when I am finished with my Fall 2014 classes at UMass Amherst’s UWW, I’ll be heading to the Refuge in search of these majestic beauties. Nothing spells rest and relaxation for me more than time outdoors in every season, enjoying the diverse wildlife at my beloved Refuge.

The photo above was taken at the Newbury Salt Marsh, just outside of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, in December 2013. (more…)

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Food For Thought: A Discerning Eye


A discerning eye looks at the world and questions what it sees… Nothing is ever as it appears on the surface. We must look with open eyes and a critical mind, to see what lies below the surface.

Namaste… Pamela

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