Sometimes we take for granted the abundance of love we have in our lives. When we do it is good to re-mind ourselves of this…
Today, I am grateful for all the love that I have in my life: the friends and the family who are all so dear to me. Mine is bountiful life filled with so much joy and pleasure. I am abundant in all things.
Great White Egret at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Each day there are new opportunities that arise in our lives. Some opportunities are easy to determine to be beneficial in our lives, other opportunities require that we sit and think about the possibilities.
Immature Red Tail Hawk at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Today, I re-mind myself that some choices in life require thought and reflection and it is ok to take time to think about my choices. Sometimes rather than flying off into the unknown, it is best to perch and survey the options, making certain that we find what we are looking for.
The graceful Great White Egret stands poised, its gaze intent. The egret moves with purpose, it is methodical in its search for prey, as it combs the salt marsh looking for food. Its movements are dance like, it stretches, turns, crouches, flutters its wings like a dancer lifting their arms, it hops and balances on one leg, and then poises again in perfect position.
Great White Egret ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
There is a strength in the Great White Egret that defies gravity as it lifts up into the air with its long, yet delicately feathered wings and flies off in search of better hunting or perhaps to return its rookery at the end of the day.
I see my own intensity in the countenance of the egret–seeking, searching, looking for tidbits of knowledge and understanding hidden in the landscape of wisdom. Nature is the heart of the seeking soul. It rejuvenates the weary wanderer in all of us.
The solitary swan glides across the azure pool of water, alone. There is no mate at its side. The life of the solitary person is much like the life of the solitary swan, fending and faring for itself, not relying on another in times of need. Sometimes the person, like the swan longs for the support of a mate, but adept at caring for oneself, the solitary person learns that to survive in the world, they must go it alone, against the odds, no matter what.
Solitary Mute Swan ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
In solitude, we learn our mettle and our weaknesses. Yet, we gather our strengths the storms that rattle our lives and move through with grace, like the solitary swan. These are the lessons of nature…
The reflective self seeks answers in the depth of their being. Like the egret searching the waters for a morsel of nourishment, the minds plumbs its depths for sustenance for the soul. In the silence of nature, answers flood the mind in code like fashion, as we release and let go, and become one with nature. ~ Pamela Leavey
The solitary swan is alone, but “Aloneness is Not Loneliness”:
“Aloneness is obviously not isolation, and it is not uniqueness. To be unique is merely to be exceptional in some way, whereas tp be completely alone demands extraordinary sensitivity, intelligence, understanding. To be completely alone implies that the mind is free of every kind of influence and is therefore uncontaminated by society; and it must be alone to understand what is religion–which is to find out for oneself whether there is something immortal, beyond time.” – J Krishnamurti ~ The Book of Life
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Musing and Rambling
Sometimes I muse and I ramble because I can... I muse about life and things that matter to me...
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