Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Birds

Daily Affirmations: Grace

I believe there is a grace all around us. Every day I open my heart and mind to recieve the blessings of grace, great and small and I am grateful for each and every blessing that comes my way. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Mute Swan at the Salt Pannes, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Affirmations: Gratitude

I look around me and see a life filled with so many blessings great and small and I am grateful for each and every one. Every day I give thanks for all the blessings in my life and I embrace the lessons as well, with gratitude, because I recognize that lessons too, are blessings. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Great Blue Heron on the Salt Marsh at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Affirmations: Gratitude

There is a certain gravitational and emotional pull that takes us in one direction or the other. If we follow that innate pull we find it most often takes us in the direction we need to go. Today, I re-mind myself to watch the signals, follow the path and find gratitude for gifts great and small in my life. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Great White Egret in the Salt Marsh at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Affirmations: Gifts of Nature

Each day I re-mind myself of the little things in life that light up my day. I am grateful for the gifts of nature that re-mind each day how precious and fragile life is. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Semipalmated Plover at Sandy Point ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Affirmations: Smallest of Blessings

Each day I re-mind myself to watch for the smallest of blessings because those little blessings often reap the greatest of rewards. An open mind and an open heart are fertile ground for understanding life’s mysteries and accepting all things with gratitude and a loving heart. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Evening Grosbeak ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Affirmations: Impermanence and Gratitude

As I watch Mother Nature begin to wreck havoc today with her wild wilds, rains and storm surges across the North East, I am re-minded of the impermanence of all things and I am filled with gratitude for all that nature gifts to us. May you all stay safe in the wake of Hurricane Sandy… ~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Canadian Geese Before the Storm ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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