Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Birds

Quote of the Day: Marianne Williamson

Every morning, decide the traits you want to exhibit today; the kinds of experiences you want to have & the kind of life you want to live. Hone your attitudinal muscles by getting clear on these kinds of things, holding the thoughts and then handing them to the Divine. Then your subconscious mind starts making them manifest. ~ Marianne Williamson


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Daily Affirmations: Little Miracles

Everyday little miracles occur in our lives that sometimes go unnoticed. Today, I re-mind myself to savor the moment, and be aware of the things happening around me so that I may see those little miracles for what they are and express my gratitude as they happen.

I stay receptive and open to see the miracle in the smallest symbols of joy to lift my spirits, or hear the words of support when times of tough. These are each little miracles in their own way. I understand that to be miracle minded is to allow myself to be in the moment and widen my perspective to see miracles for what they are.

I know that the Universe is always working on my behalf, answering my prayers, hearing my call. I am open to receive and grateful for all of the good that comes my way. I set my intent today, and every day, to be open and willing to receive and also to be gracious and willing to give. In this I use my intent to work for the higher good in my own life and the lives of others. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

yellow warbler

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Take Time For Myself

Today, I affirm that I must stop every now and then, and take time for myself. One person can only do so much, and I must remember that I am one person. I load my plate typically with so many tasks that I am inundated some days with work related obligations that keep me going from the time I arise until the time I settle into bed for the night. Today, I will pause long enough to appreciate the beauty in nature that surrounds me and pamper my heart and soul, even if it is only for a few short moments. Today, I will set my intent to looking at better use of my time and finding ways to take time for myself. I am only one person, and I far to often stretch my limits. Today, I will set my intent to be easy with myself and enjoy the moments of the day, which bring me happiness, joy and a sense of relaxation, even if for the briefest of moments. As so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Great White Egret at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: I Am the Nature That Borders My World

snowy egretI build my understanding and reason about all things in life around the nature that borders my world. I absorb the entities of nature that are around me.

I take up sometimes for the briefest of moments, the flight of the hawk, or the hop of the rabbit. I scream like the fox, I swish like the fish flowing downstream with the tide. I peer into the pool of water and find my reflection. I am the wild creatures and the wild creatures are me.

It is in the moments of communing with nature that I am free from the commonplace stresses of the world. It is in the moments that I let my imagination run wild and soar free, with the wild creatures around me, that I am free from the stresses of the world.

I build my sanity and reason around myself with the nature that surrounds my realm. I am the eagle hunting fish in the river. I am the squirrel storing nuts for winter. I am the buds on the trees in the spring. I am the river as to flows to the ocean. I am the ocean whose waves crash on the shore. I am the nature that borders my world.


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Daily Affirmations: Clear Intent and a Positive Outlook

Today, I re-mind myself that all forces of the Universe are working towards the best possible circumstance for me and my life. No matter what the situation, I know that ultimately, it will lead to good. I trust that I am held safe and protected. I know my faith in the higher power of the Universe is strong. I resolve this day and every day, to move forward with clear intent and a positive outlook. I affirm today and everyday, that I Am Awesome. I can accomplish the things I set my heart and mind to. And so it is… Intent Makes Manifest.


Namaste… Pamela


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Daily Affirmations: I Am Perfect the Way I Am

To Be Empowered, I am willing to see that I can evolve and change the aspects of myself that I am not happy about. Change is always good. Aspiring to be more than I am in life is worthy goal. Each day I seek to be a better person that I was the day before. However, in my efforts to change and grow, I re-mind myself today and every day, that I am perfect the way I am. Today, I re-mind myself, I Am Awesome, and I seek to spread the message, that we are all awesome with everyone who I meet this day. The state of being Awesome is infectious in the most powerful and empowering way. My intent for this day is set. I Am Awesome. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

immature red-tailed

Namaste… Pamela

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